Message-ID: <525@decwrl.UUCP>
Date: Thu, 24-May-84 05:06:27 EDT
Article-I.D.: decwrl.525
Posted: Thu May 24 05:06:27 1984
Date-Received: Sat, 26-May-84 13:55:43 EDT
Organization: DEC Engineering Network
Lines: 19
This looks like an invasion from The Joker Zone.
But seriously, folks... while I agree that the MARVEL'S GREATEST MISTAKES dis-
cussion was nothing but a discussion of frp details (and bore only superficial
connection to the world of comics in the first place), I think that discussions
of Forge's Neutralizer is just the type of discussion this group was made for.
At least it hasn't gotten as degenerate as the salt-shaker discussions in net.-
startrek! But more to the point, "Vindicator", if there's something else you'd
like to discuss, why not post a comment yourself? That is, of the type:
1. I think is such-and-so...
2. What do you netters think of ?
(The comment you *did* post starts not a discussion, but a meta-disccussion.)
--- jayembee (Jerry Boyajian, DEC Maynard, MA)
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