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Multiple Klingons -> The KLINGON INDEX! [message #65683] Sat, 18 May 2013 21:25 Go to next message
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Message-ID: <12@tilt.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 6-Mar-84 00:56:56 EST
Article-I.D.: tilt.12
Posted: Tue Mar  6 00:56:56 1984
Date-Received: Tue, 6-Mar-84 07:03:14 EST
Organization: Princeton Univ. EECS
Lines: 69

Khan ain't no Klingon!  He's a genetically engineered human, of Sikh extraction.
I guess it's just the K that confused you, Jeff.

No Klingons appeared twice in regular ST episodes.  If you stretch it, though,
sure, there were LOTS of repeats.  I know nothing about the DC Comics stuff, but
here follows a fairly accurate KLINGON INDEX.  No claims made to completeness
for anything more than the original episodes.

Key:	"Title" indicates a regular ST episode.
	'Title' indicates an animated ST episode (Saturday morning cartoons).
	 indicates a novel, or published short story.

----		----------
KAAS 		'Time Trap' by Joyce Perry
KAGED 		<The Trellisane Confrontation> by David Dvorkin
KAHLESS		--greatest warrior in Klingon history
		"The Savage Curtain" by A. Heinemann & G. Roddenberry
KALAN 		<The Klingon Gambit> by Robert Vardeman
KANG 		"Day of the Dove" by Jerome Bixby
		<The Procrustean Petard> (in ST  The New Voyages 2)
		<The Blaze of Glory> (in ST2 Short Stories, by Wm. Rotsler)
KANNDAD		<Star Trek Log 7> and <Star Trek Log 10> by Alan Dean Foster
KAROX		<The Trellisane Confrontation> by David Dvorkin
KEAST 		<The Covenant of the Crown> by Howard Weinstein
KERA 		--science officer, female
		<The Covenant of the Crown> by Howard Weinstein 
KISLATH		<The Klingon Gambit> by Robert Vardeman
KOLOTH 		"The Trouble With Tribbles" by David Gerrold
		'More Tribbles, More Troubles' by David Gerrold 
		<Spock Must Die> by James Blish
KON		<The Covenant of the Crown> by Howard Weinstein
1st KOR		"Errand of Mercy" by Gene Coon
		'Time Trap' by Joyce Perry
		<Spock Must Die> by James Blish
		<Visit to a Weird Planet Revisited> (in ST  The New Voyages)
		<Mind-Sifter> (in ST  The New Voyages)
2nd KOR		<Star Trek Log 9> by Alan Dean Foster
KORAX 		--aide to Koloth
		"The Trouble With Tribbles" by David Gerrold
		'More Tribbles, More Troubles' by David Gerrold 
		<Spock Must Die> by James Blish
KORREG 		<Star Trek Log 7> and <Star Trek Log 10> by Alan Dean Foster
KRAIL 		<The Covenant of the Crown> by Howard Weinstein
KRAS 		"Friday's Child" by D.C. Fontana
KRELL 		"A Private Little War" by Gene Roddenberry
KRITT 		<Star Trek Log 7> and <Star Trek Log 10> by Alan Dean Foster
KRUGE 		--will appear in "Star Trek III:  The Search for Spock"
KUMARA 		--formerly Kirk's roommate in a foreign exchange program!
		<Star Trek Log 7> and <Star Trek Log 10> by Alan Dean Foster
KURI 		'Time Trap' by Joyce Perry
MARA 		"Day of the Dove" by Jerome Bixby

It should also be noted that two Romulans of regular ST, the female Commander
of "The Enterprise Incident," and her Sub-Commander, S'Tal, are seen again in
several novels.  The Commander only in the <Phoenix> books, and Tal a bit more.
None of the different novelists, of course, recognize that any of the others 

TAL		"The Enterprise Incident" by D.C. Fontana
		<The Price of the Phoenix> by S. Marshak and M. Culbreath
		<The Fate of the Phoenix> by S. Marshak and M. Culbreath
		<Yesterday's Son> by Ann Crispin
		<The Trellisane Confrontation> by David Dvorkin
	     Stewart Wiener			:-) "Read and weep as did
	  Princeton Univ. EECS			:-)  Alexander when he beheld
 {allegra,ihnp4!mhuxi}!princeton!tilt!smw	:-)  the glories of Egypt."
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Message-ID: <909@qubix.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 7-Mar-84 15:02:50 EST
Article-I.D.: qubix.909
Posted: Wed Mar  7 15:02:50 1984
Date-Received: Fri, 9-Mar-84 01:48:57 EST
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William Campbell ("My dear Captain Koloth") did not re-appear as a
Klingon, but (as any good Trekkie knows) he did reappear as
"Brigadier General Trelane, Retired. But you may address me as
The Squire of Gothos."

The last line is also the title of the episode.

Keeping my vessel from disintegrating at 0 atms,
				The Ice Floe of the Q-Bick
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