Message-ID: <497@ihuxs.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 5-Mar-84 09:23:06 EST
Article-I.D.: ihuxs.497
Posted: Mon Mar 5 09:23:06 1984
Date-Received: Tue, 6-Mar-84 02:44:07 EST
Organization: AT&T Bell Labs, Naperville, IL
Lines: 19
I couldn't come up with any "multiple Klingons," but
I remembered two of the more notable ones, if you
're (oops...heh heh) interested. They are Kang,
featured in the episode with the being that isolates
his command crew and Kirk's crew on the Enterprise
for an "eternal war," and Koloth, from "The Trouble
with Tribbles." In fact, William Campbell, who played
Koloth, said that at one point they considered having
him reappear in other episodes -- acting as Kirk's
"opposite number" in the Klingon Empire. It would
have been logical, as they probably patrolled the
adjoining space sectors. Hmmm...that makes Koloth
an "almost-multiple" Klingon...oh, wait a minute!
He is multiple! He also appeared on the animated
series, in "More Tribbles, More Troubles." (Am I
right, Roger?)
B.K. Cobb