Message-ID: <119@forcm5.UUCP>
Date: Sun, 29-Jan-84 19:40:36 EST
Article-I.D.: forcm5.119
Posted: Sun Jan 29 19:40:36 1984
Date-Received: Fri, 10-Feb-84 06:49:57 EST
Organization: Fortune Systems, Redwood City, CA
Lines: 17
Hi. I'm interested in finding out whether the addresses 57H through 59H in
the base page ("System Parameter Area") are used in any variant of CP/M. I'm
especially interested in whether CP/M Plus uses these addresses. (They're
listed as "reserved" in the CP/M 2.2 and MP/M II manuals).
If anyone's interested in what I want to do with these addresses, think about
argv[0] (that's the way the command name is passed to the program, for those
of you who don't recognize that from C and UNIX)... I'd like to propose that
those addresses be reserved for that purpose (along the lines of the way MP/M
II stores info about the passwords from a command line), but I need to find out
if there are any conflicts first...
Thanks in advance!
JR (John Rogers)
UUCP: forcm5!jr, fortune!jr, proper!jr
CompuServe: 70140,213 MCI Mail: jrhpp