Message-ID: <312@dual.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 28-Feb-84 11:36:36 EST
Article-I.D.: dual.312
Posted: Tue Feb 28 11:36:36 1984
Date-Received: Wed, 29-Feb-84 12:55:05 EST
References: <1334@zehntel.UUCP>
Organization: Dual Systems, Berkeley, CA
Lines: 16
. Right. For those of you who decided to be sarcastic about my comments,
I *REALLY* intended to suggest that the MAC might be used as an intelligent
terminal. I realise that AT&T has done some cute things to f**k up what
started out looking pretty nice. I did NOT mean that we should screw
up the MAC the same way. Happy????
For all of you who have not yet started writing the intelligent terminal
package for the MAC, but are interested, give me a call and I will see
if I can get the Las Vegas Convention Center for us to talk about what we
would like to do......
Mats Wichmann (slightly scorched)
Dual Systems