Message-ID: <659@avsdS.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 17-Jan-84 11:47:07 EST
Article-I.D.: avsdS.659
Posted: Tue Jan 17 11:47:07 1984
Date-Received: Sat, 21-Jan-84 02:27:39 EST
Lines: 17
I just watched "Zardoz" for the second time in 6 years last night.
Sean Connery in the future as Zed the Exterminator. He, the savage,
gets loose inside the Vortex (seen this Lauren?), a paradise and
trap where science and psychic studies flourish during the dark ages.
Zed is their savior and destroyer.
This movie has great tackiness and camp potential, but really comes
off as a good, though obvious, film. The science fiction in it is
good, the plot good and sometimes puzzling, the acting not bad
(considering). It is full of messages and allegories, some that
hit you over the head and some that require a bit (a few bits?)
of thought.
I first saw this 6 years ago with "Solaris", a long, tedious, yet
fascinating film (which I've come to expect from Russia). What a combo!
Glenn at Ampex