Message-ID: <273@dual.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 13-Feb-84 03:21:01 EST
Article-I.D.: dual.273
Posted: Mon Feb 13 03:21:01 1984
Date-Received: Tue, 14-Feb-84 01:37:13 EST
References: <311@tesla.UUCP> <1685@rlgvax.UUCP>
Organization: Dual Systems, Berkeley, CA
Lines: 21
All of the comments on the Macintosh have been interesting, and
I don't think that they belong in the Apple newsgroup, at least
not just yet. This is new and interesting stuff, and we should
all be intersted in where computers are going. What strikes me
(looking from an industry point of view, rather than as a personal
user - I wouldn't buy a MAC or any other computer on the market
just now for personal use - they just don't do what I want at
a price I could pay) is that we have the potential for a real
impressive intelligent terminal here. Has anyone thought of doing
for the Macintosh what Bell did for the BLIT? After all, a
Macintosh DOES cost less, and yet should be able to handle a
lot of the same features.
Well, how about it?
Mats Wichmann
Dual Systems