Message-ID: <449@aplvax.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 14-Dec-83 09:43:22 EST
Article-I.D.: aplvax.449
Posted: Wed Dec 14 09:43:22 1983
Date-Received: Fri, 16-Dec-83 02:32:21 EST
Organization: JHU/Applied Physics Lab, Laurel, MD
Lines: 18
Alan L. Zeichick posted:
Actually, I thought "Blakes Seven" was a
much better SF series. The plots were a
little more valid, the people very interesting,
and the technology more plausible. Does anyone
know if "Blakes Seven" was/is shown in the U.S.?
I am also a Blake's Seven fan and the only way you can see the
show in the U.S. is at sf conventions. I've seen about a dozen
episodes, including the infamous last one. I understand that it
has been offered for syndication here but no areas have picked it up.
It's probably considered "too violent" to get past the censors.
Doctor Who is definitely more fun to watch, Blake's Seven is
decidedly depressing most of the time, especially once you know how
it ends.
Mary Anne Espenshade