Message-ID: <667@ssc-vax.UUCP>
Date: Fri, 9-Dec-83 15:17:04 EST
Article-I.D.: ssc-vax.667
Posted: Fri Dec 9 15:17:04 1983
Date-Received: Sun, 11-Dec-83 04:47:23 EST
References: <14410@sri-arpa.UUCP>
Organization: Boeing Aerospace, Seattle
Lines: 22
The book Channel's Destiny was written by Jacqueline Lichtenberg and
Jean Lorrah (sp.?). The other books in the series include:
First Channel (also by both authors)
House of Zeor (by J. Lichtenberg only)
Unto Zeor Forever (by J. Lichtenberg)
There is also a fanzine called Ambrov Zeor that comes out of Monsey
NY (I think the address is in the front/back of a couple of the
books. Jackie Lichtenberg is also known for her Star Trek
connections, she was one of the founders of the Star Trek
Welcommittee, and on of the authors of Star Trek Lives!. Jean
Lorrah has put out a cople of books on her own:
Savage Empire
Dragon Lord of the Savage Empire
I found them to be enjoyable reading, although not the most earth
shattering stuff I've ever read.
Marla S. Baer
Boeing Aerospace