Originally posted by: grogers@uiuccsb.UUCP
Message-ID: <4852@uiucdcs.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 10-Jan-84 22:29:46 EST
Article-I.D.: uiucdcs.4852
Posted: Tue Jan 10 22:29:46 1984
Date-Received: Sun, 15-Jan-84 00:46:38 EST
Lines: 15
uiuccsb!grogers Jan 6 23:49:00 1984
The following comes from the October '83 issue of PC World:
BASIC Unprotect
This series of commands will let you list a program that has been saved
with the `,p' option. From DOS type BASICA or BASIC. Once in BASIC type
in NEW ; then type DEF SEG . Now type BSAVE "UN.P",1124,1
; load the protected program; and type BLOAD "UN.P",1124 .
Now fell free to LIST, SAVE, or EDIT the protected program. To protect
a program before saving it type DEF SEG:POKE 1124,255.