Message-ID: <806@sunybcs.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 28-Nov-83 17:35:06 EST
Article-I.D.: sunybcs.806
Posted: Mon Nov 28 17:35:06 1983
Date-Received: Thu, 1-Dec-83 21:46:19 EST
Organization: SUNY/Buffalo Computer Science
Lines: 27
As many of you may know, there are a lot of Filksongs
out on various Sci-Fi/Fantasy subjects (A Filk is a song
with lyrics applied to some aspect/subject of Fandom). This
is basically a request for any information about obtaining
copies of Favorite Filks from anyone on the net. Anyone
with such information please send me mail, or perhaps a copy
of your favorite filk! One of mine, to the tune of Greensleeves,
What song is this which once sung sweet
Is now destroyed by SF freaks?
The words once spoke of how lovers meet
But now of strange worlds it speaks.
Long worked I on lyrics light
Words to last through the ages.
Now, Hear, it is sung all night
with words running on for five pages.
-Thomas R. Pellitieri
a.k.a. The Parker Hobbit
uucp: {rocks34!rocksvax}
{{allegra, seismo}!rochester!rocksvax}!sunybcs!hobbit
CSnet: hobbit.buffalo-cs@RAND-RELAY
P.S. Does this group really exist? We never get anything from it
here in Buffalo, NY.