Message-ID: <434@aplvax.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 29-Nov-83 09:50:55 EST
Article-I.D.: aplvax.434
Posted: Tue Nov 29 09:50:55 1983
Date-Received: Thu, 1-Dec-83 21:08:19 EST
Organization: JHU/Applied Physics Lab, Laurel, MD
Lines: 25
A friend of mine received the latest issue of the Doctor Who SIG of
Mensa newsletter over the weekend and has asked me to pass on a
rumor in hopes that someone out there will have heard what is really
going on.
Rumor follows:
Colin Baker was announced some time ago as the next actor to
take over the role of the Doctor. Apparently a serial with him has
been filmed but the powers that be at the BBC decided they don't
like him in the role. The regeneration will be unstable (even more so
than the regeneration from Tom Baker to Peter Davison that took the
whole serial Castrovalva) and Colin Baker will be immediately out of
the role. While they are finding someone else for the part, Jon Pertwee
will be back!
End Rumor.
I can think of plausable explanations for the unstable regeneration,
especially since this kind of thing was set up in Castrovalva and
the TARDIS no longer has the Zero room to help the Doctor recover.
Most importantly, does this count as one or two regenerations?
But how are they going to explain Pertwee's return? I find that part
of the rumor the most unbelievable.
Mary Anne Espenshade