Message-ID: <433@aplvax.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 29-Nov-83 09:49:48 EST
Article-I.D.: aplvax.433
Posted: Tue Nov 29 09:49:48 1983
Date-Received: Thu, 1-Dec-83 21:05:49 EST
Organization: JHU/Applied Physics Lab, Laurel, MD
Lines: 37
I didn't get to see the Doctor Who Anniversary special, it wasn't
shown in the Baltimore/Washington area in spite of pleas to the
PBS stations.
I can answer several of the background questions that
have been raised here, however.
From Dwight Bartholomew and James Jones:
About the appearance of K-9 with Sarah Jane Smith
at the beginning of the Five Doctors.
If you'll notice, when they showed scenes of Romana
and Tom Baker's Doctor in Venice (?) K-9 was not
with them. It seems reasonable to suggest that Romana
and the Doctor visited Sarah,
dropped off K-9 for a while and then went off touring.
Not quite, there was a Christmas special made several years ago
about the Doctor sending one version of K-9 to Sarah as a present.
It was planned as a spin-off series called "K-9 and Company".
From James Jones:
How did the Brigadier get to know Tegan?
In the episode Mawdryn Undead, when the Brigadier first meets
Peter Davison's Doctor, he also meets the Doctor's companions at
the time, Nyssa and Tegan.
From Randy C. Lee:
I was surprised at Tom Baker's minimal role in "The Five
Doctors". Has anyone heard any rumors as to why?
It was announced at the start of production that Tom Baker
would not be available to make the special.
The footage used of Baker's Doctor and Romana was from
the unfinished serial Shada. Only 4 of the 6 parts of this serial
had been completed when a strike shut down production, at the end
of the 17th(?) season.
Mary Anne Espenshade