Message-ID: <14091@sri-arpa.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 28-Nov-83 15:24:12 EST
Article-I.D.: sri-arpa.14091
Posted: Mon Nov 28 15:24:12 1983
Date-Received: Thu, 1-Dec-83 21:00:49 EST
Lines: 14
The stories you are looking for are by Brian STapleford. There are
6 novels all put out by DAW. In chronological (from the
characters point of view) they are The Halcyon Drift, Rapsody in Black,
The Paradise Syndrome, (title forgotten since they are not in front
of me at this time; this one may come before the Paradise Syndrome),
The Fenris DEvice, and Swan Song. The name of the character is
Granger and he is pilot, but not captain of an experimental
space ship called the Hooded Swan. The stories are fairly well
written and show the definate progression of Grainger coming to
terms with his "parasite". I recommend them to everyone who
has not read them. They are the best books that STableford has
written of a not inconsiderable few. (I do not think any of his other
books are worth reading- though I have read all that I can find once.
The GRainger stories I have reread several times.)