Message-ID: <601@ssc-vax.UUCP>
Date: Sun, 6-Nov-83 14:31:11 EST
Article-I.D.: ssc-vax.601
Posted: Sun Nov 6 14:31:11 1983
Date-Received: Tue, 8-Nov-83 20:44:35 EST
References: <13117@sri-arpa.UUCP> <417@linus.UUCP>, <522@nmtvax.UUCP>, <222@ucbvax.UUCP>
Organization: Boeing Aerospace, Seattle
Lines: 12
The big problem which everyone seems to have forgotten is that the
entire experiment was voided by the crash. The origional
experiment called for the evolution of the caveman (at least that's
the impression I got). Instead, a shipload of hairdressers, middle
management types, etc. took over the planet and wiped out the
cavemen. This leaves the probility that the final results, namely
Arthur Dent, are not correct.
Marla S. Baer