Message-ID: <604@ihuxx.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 30-Nov-83 04:13:59 EST
Article-I.D.: ihuxx.604
Posted: Wed Nov 30 04:13:59 1983
Date-Received: Thu, 1-Dec-83 23:23:35 EST
Organization: AT&T Bell Labs, Naperville, Il
Lines: 23
Ok, guys...I'm at the disassembly stage, and would prefer to avoid it
if I let's see if I can get some use out of the net.
I've an Osborne I with CP/M 2.2, and have been using ZCPR1 for some
time. (Yah, I know, but it's hardly worth the effort to put ZCPR2 on
an Osborne...) Recently, I purchased a real-time clock that requires
me to do a MOVCPM of 1K. Ok, no problem...but it lost my CCP! By
lost I somewhere got a copy of the old CCP! Obviously, I've
tried to recompile ZCPR with the new offset, and it goes into
never-never land when force-fed to the moved CP/M. So my query is:
-Where is the old CCP coming from? (I've used DU to search the
diskette for byte strings characteristic of CCP--no luck)
-Has anyone else tried to install ZCPR on a MOVCPM'd system? Any
problems? (Particularly with an Osborne...)
I'm not holding my breath, but I'd love a response....
Dave Ihnat