Message-ID: <660@ssc-vax.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 6-Dec-83 17:24:55 EST
Article-I.D.: ssc-vax.660
Posted: Tue Dec 6 17:24:55 1983
Date-Received: Fri, 9-Dec-83 06:26:10 EST
Organization: Boeing Aerospace, Seattle
Lines: 18
I need recomendations for a good electronic spreadsheet to run on a
Xerox 16/8 microcomputer. We have CP/M80-86 with 256K, a ds dd 8"
floppy and a 10mb Winchester. We want it to rn on the 16 bit side.
If there is enouugh interest, I'll post a summation of the
responses. Please mail me your responses, this newsgroup is crowded
Thaks in advance!
Marla S. Baer
Boeing Aerospace, Seattle (206) 773-2020