Message-ID: <1905@fortune.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 6-Dec-83 20:15:52 EST
Article-I.D.: fortune.1905
Posted: Tue Dec 6 20:15:52 1983
Date-Received: Fri, 9-Dec-83 04:45:57 EST
References: <4331@uiucdcs.UUCP>
Organization: Fortune Systems, Redwood City, CA
Lines: 16
If Tandy/Radio Shack is so keen on getting into the business market,
so much so that they drop their "Radio Shack" label,
why did they retain the "TRS-80" in the name ?
I think that "TRS-80" brings to mind the same hobbyist image
that "Radio Shack" does, not to mention the effect of some pronunciations
of those letters and digits (be it fond irreverence or not).
I would have expected them to name the machine "Tandy System/2000"
or some such.
-- Clay Phipps