Message-ID: <2057@hp-pcd.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 12-Oct-83 03:56:08 EDT
Article-I.D.: hp-pcd.2057
Posted: Wed Oct 12 03:56:08 1983
Date-Received: Fri, 14-Oct-83 01:44:11 EDT
Sender: notes_gateway@hp-pcd.UUCP
Organization: Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
Lines: 21
orstcs!hakanson Oct 9 21:49:00 1983
I think the book by Hogan which is about an intelligent machine
is called "Two Faces of Tomorrow" -- I've read all of his but the
most recent book (it's not out in pback yet!), & never heard of
The Adolescence of P1. Two Faces of Tomorrow was indeed v. good.
If you're into bizarre physics, try The Genesis Machine, and
also Thrice Upon a Time. Very convincing to me.
Now that I've raved, I'd like to know what stores have David Brin's
new books, Sundiver & Startide Rising. I haven't found them around
where I live, & would like to know what stores to check out before
I head to "the big city." Are they out in paperback? Can you tell
that I am (effectively) unemployed?? 8-)
Marion Hakanson {hp-pcd,teklabs}!orstcs!hakanson (Usenet)
hakanson.oregon-state@rand-relay or
hakanson@{oregon-state,orstcs} (CSnet)