Message-ID: <1421@hplabsc.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 11-Oct-83 16:46:22 EDT
Article-I.D.: hplabsc.1421
Posted: Tue Oct 11 16:46:22 1983
Date-Received: Fri, 14-Oct-83 00:53:14 EDT
Organization: Hewlett Packard Labs, Palo Alto CA
Lines: 14
I once read (at least ten years ago) a SF short story about a lab
assistant who was treated in someway by a scientist in the lab. He began
shrinking on a table top until he fell through the cracks in the wood.
He kept shrinking through what appeared to be endless universes, landing
on planets shrinking more etc- forever.
My wife wants to read this one but I don't remember the author or
title. I think I read it in one of those omnibus's of SF.
Anyone out there remember this one?