Message-ID: <236@aplvax.UUCP>
Date: Fri, 12-Aug-83 16:55:37 EDT
Article-I.D.: aplvax.236
Posted: Fri Aug 12 16:55:37 1983
Date-Received: Sat, 13-Aug-83 03:31:54 EDT
Lines: 25
Janice Eisen recently commented in this newsgroup:
"There seems to be, unfortunately, a great deal of snobbish elitism
among faaans. I don't like media fen either, but not all neos or young
people are obnoxious. I got very annoyed when I heard some people
campaigning for the Australia bid on the grounds that (I'm paraphrasing)
'It will be a more fannish con, because only *REAL FEN* will go.' "
********* FLAME ON **********
Would someone please explain to me why "sf fen" dislike/are prejudiced against
"media fen" and why there even needs to be a distinction? I am a science
fiction fan who reads everything I can get my hands on while also enjoying
and participating in "media" fandom. Isn't the written word also a
communications medium and therefore included in the plural term media?
My "mundane" officemate first learned I went to cons when I mentioned
going to a local Trek con. He passed this information on to his "sf fan"
roommate and got a scornful response. The next day he told me he never
realized science fiction fans were prejudiced. I'd like to think we
were more open minded too.
********* FLAME OFF **********
Mary Anne Espenshade