Message-ID: <550@ihuxx.UUCP>
Date: Fri, 23-Sep-83 18:29:20 EDT
Article-I.D.: ihuxx.550
Posted: Fri Sep 23 18:29:20 1983
Date-Received: Mon, 26-Sep-83 06:18:44 EDT
References: <5475@sri-arpa.UUCP>
Organization: BTL Naperville, Il.
Lines: 12
I can't seem to be able to mail to you; please see if you can reach me.
There is a Chicago First Osborne Group, of which I am a member; I am very
willing to act as interface and bring your proposal up at the next monthly
meeting. Please phone or (try to) send EM to me.
Dave Ihnat
(h) 312-784-4544 (You'll get a machine...)
(w) 312-979-0946