Message-ID: <4940@sri-arpa.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 7-Sep-83 14:40:00 EDT
Article-I.D.: sri-arpa.4940
Posted: Wed Sep 7 14:40:00 1983
Date-Received: Sun, 11-Sep-83 07:29:21 EDT
Lines: 16
From: mark thompson
I worked briefly with Morrow Designs on a little project, and had
to deal with their M26 and the bios that went with it.
First, let me say that they seem to be good, honest and helpful people.
Second, the bios is perfectly reasonable, though i have no experience
with the install program, and it could easilly be bad.
Third, the M26 itself has always worked pretty well, and never lost any
data. The interface works ok, also (the one i used was port-addressed,
not DMA). It was, however, VERY VERY VERY picky about the bus signals
that it would deal with (i had an old, clunky IMSAI mainframe, and a
rather bogus CPU). It would work in some slots, but not others. Since
i had such a kludgey system, this is considered normal behaviour.