Message-ID: <204@aplvax.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 27-Jul-83 14:57:12 EDT
Article-I.D.: aplvax.204
Posted: Wed Jul 27 14:57:12 1983
Date-Received: Thu, 28-Jul-83 21:57:43 EDT
Lines: 22
I just got back from a week's vacation that included
attending the Doctor Who convention Panopticon West. I got to see
serials with each of the five Doctors, including the first - An
Unearthly Child, the Pertwee/Baker regeneration - Planet of the Spiders,
and the Baker/Davison regeneration in Logopolis and Castrovalva.
My favorites for the weekend - Earthshock, Mawdryn Undead and Enlightenment.
I would even go so far as to choose Mawdryn Undead as the very best
Doctor Who serial I have seen. I guess this makes me a
totally converted Davison fan, I understand I missed some discussion
of this on the net while I was away.
The con guests included producer John Nathan-Turner. He told us that
the Doctor will get an American companion next season.
The 20th anniversary special set for Nov. 23 on the BBC will be shown
the same night in this country, pester your local PBS stations
to carry it (especially if you're in my area, Baltimore-Washington).
Mary Anne Espenshade