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turbo-digest digest, Volume 08, Issue 23 [message #4299] Fri, 27 July 2012 01:14
Originally posted by:
In this issue:
	Re: Rarity List
	Re: Another dumb question (shrinkwrapping)
	Re: Rarity List
	rare find
	RE: Rarity List
	The Egress
	RE:Rarity List
	RE:Rarity List
	RE: Rarity List

Date: Fri Jan 25 03:36:09 EST 2002
Subject: Re: Rarity List

 >  So is there an official rarity list for turbo games? im just wondering
 >  because im just starting to try and collect more games, and wondered if
 >  there was such a list.

This topic usually comes up maybe once a year.  I believe each time the
subject has appeared, everybody has agreed that everybody has a different
view of what's rare and what's not. :) Therefore I believe no such list
has been made at least none that I'm aware.

The web of course is probably your best bet to finding PCE games (tzd,
wolfgames, video games depot, diskounters, ebay, etc).

While searching in Japan, I've made a sort of mental list of what's rare
in my mind and have bought accordingly.  I've finally inventoried all my
PCE games and I'm in the process of assigning "rarity" to each game along
with other info probably useful only to me.  I'd be willing to put my list
on the web if people are interested (it'd be more than a simple list
though).  I have nothing particularily rare imo but I think if a list was
made, it'd be best of people were able to add their comments and assign
their own "rarity" opinion.

Good luck with your collection.

David Woodford

Date: Fri Jan 25 03:45:09 EST 2002
Subject: Re: Another dumb question (shrinkwrapping)

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Paul England   wrote:

 >  With VERY little exception, factory sealed games do have the hang tab
 >  that's been referred to.  *HOWEVER* there are a few that don't.  Many
 >  older double-case Turbo games (and Saturn for that matter) do not have
 >  the nicer plastic.

The other games I've purchased new that had plain shrinkwrap (no tab)
where the ones with the thicker CD case (Arcade Card, Tengai Makyo Ziria
SCD, etc).  The ones I have where advertised as new, but I'll never know
for sure since it looks like it could have be shrinkwrapped anywhere. :(

 >  Akihabara (when they came out) are Grandia II & Rent-a-hero No. 1 for
 >  the DC.  Odd, as they're so recent.

Funny, my Rent-a-Hero case came with a pull tab shrinkwrap... maybe I
misunderstood you.

David Woodford

Date: Fri Jan 25 05:04:21 EST 2002
Subject: Re: Rarity List

Thanks alot for the offer, and i'd like to take you up on it when or if you
find the boxes or any other bits.

If anyone else is in a similar situation of having spare boxes id love to
also hear from you, my collection has no boxes currently, though the 20 or
so games i have are complete, so im really keen to get boxes for as many
games as i can.

Thanks guys..

As for the rarity list, id love to see what people have written, though i
dont care what games cost ( i suppose rarity will be based on the value of
them), im more interested to know which games are the hardest to track down.
Whats been peoples experiences with trying to collect a complete set? what
were your hardest finds.

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Cochran" 
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 7:11 PM

Date: Fri Jan 25 05:36:49 EST 2002
Subject: rare find

Well my hardest find was Power League All Stars Gold which was rumoured 
to be made in the hundreds. But I think even harder titles would have to 
be "Super Real mahjong II.III Special" or Akiyamanin Sugaku no Mystery 
both SCD I think.


Date: Fri Jan 25 07:53:54 EST 2002
Subject: RE: Rarity List

Hey Greg...

The two hardest Turbo (US releases) games for me to get were, Magical
Chase, and Dynastic Hero.  These are the two hardest US games to get.
Rare??? But there was a limited release of them, I think.  There just
aren't that many of them out there.  I paid $100 for Magical Chase, and
got lucky on Dynastic Hero, I picked it up for $40, both brand new.  I
think they both now go for around $150 each, if you can find them.  Two
other tough ones to get were Beyond Shadowgate, and Dungeon Explorer II.
They weren't that expensive, $60 each if I remember right, just hard to
find.  I know this doesn't answer your question, but if you are looking
to collect all the US games, these will be hard to find.  And when you
do, be ready to pay for them.

My hardest PC Engine games to find were, and they are pricy too, Rainbow
Island, Puyo Puyo 2, Alice in Wonderdream, Jigoku Meguri (Tour of Hell),
Mizubaku Dai Bouken (Liquid Kids) and Toilet Kids.  There might have
been a few others as well, but they slip my mind.

Some hard accessories to find are probably the Kisado game converter and
the US release of the Super System 3.01 card.  This stuff is out there,
it just takes a bit to shake it loose.

I don't have any photos of my collection....don't know why, but maybe
that will be something I ought to do...:)  but, you can check out all of
my NEC gaming collection at  I
loads slow, and you will probably have to maximize your browser for it
to format right.

Hope this helps...


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Greg Cook
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 10:33 PM

Date: Fri Jan 25 10:07:38 EST 2002
Subject: The Egress

Hey Listers,

    I've been working on a game called "egress".  if anyone is interested,=20
please reply to this e-mail  story line: =20

Long ago, a well respected knight, Sir Sarien was betrayed by his own army,=20
they killed his steed and burned the horse into a pit of ashes.  The=20
following day, they burned him in a pit of the same ashes. =20

    Twelve years later, Sir Sarien was resurrected by a band of Warlocks. =20
Since there was no body no ressurect, they had taken his ashes long ago to=20
use today.  The Warlocks had set up a room with 7 candles and they lay=20
Sarien=E2=80=99s ashes in the middle.  After their incantations,  a green sk=
rises from the pile, and Sarien lives again!

    You, Sarien, must stop the sinister plans of your former army, who plan=20
to take over the 5 cities of Rogara!

Gameplay:  At the end of each stage, you receive a mithryl bag containing a=20
lost part of your body.  Every stage brings you closer to human form.  You=20
can also find the missing parts of your horse, Artifax.  Collect weapons,=20
spells, spirits, and soul orbs to aid you in your quest!

Any comments and mainly programming help is greatly appreciated,



Date: Fri Jan 25 10:52:19 EST 2002
Subject: RE:Rarity List

Hellow, Turbo_list members.

Mmmm...the topic interest me very..
If the rarity means "High marcket Price", I won't tell any words.
However, If it means "High rarity for MYSELF", I can post some..

1: Rainbow island for PCengine_CDRomRom.

I took the game from a good Gamefriend of mine, after 
searching 2 years in previous hometown ,I gave him many 
GameMusicCDs for the item...

2: Kouji Engine ( A good unofficial Fan_zine about PCengine.)

"Kouji_en" is a well known Dictionaly in Japan and
"Kouji Engine( or en_Zine)" is a very useful guidebook for 
PCengine users.
Over hundrets of pages, thousand of heads from AtoZ,
good reviewers' recommend, and over 500 Games Ranking are.
The book has some texts even about "Akiyama Hitosi", 
"Mr_Nakamoto", "Power console" etc..

I was very happy to re_start PCengine life with the Fan_zine.
After buying the book, I took hundrets of PCengine stuff 
(and made a website).
I regret why I did took only one , just only for myself.

(Sat) 26/Jan/2002 00:07 Takumi Suidu []

--- Turbo List Information ---------------------------------------------
Has anyone else noticed that Bonk looks suspicously similar to Dopey
from the Walt Disney movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?  Perhaps
this is one of those "Separated at birth" things.

Date: Fri Jan 25 11:51:19 EST 2002
Subject: RE:Rarity List


Well, I won't discuss the rarity of the various "unofficial" or "not for 
sale" releases (or "omake" items like the Bizarre de Gozaru handbag) - they 
are just about all pretty rare.  I also won't speak about the rarity of 
multi-pressing sub-releases like Tokimeki Memorial...

I found all of the USA titles to be available (although some are only 
available at a premium price), but Dungeon Explorer 2, Dynastic Hero and 
Beyond Shadowgate were a bit more difficult to find than others.  You might 
have to search for a few weeks, but really a few weeks is nothing.

The kings of regular-release hard-to-find, in my opinion, were:
Sexy Idol Mahjong Yakyuten no Uta
The TV Show
Go! Go! Birdie Chance
Shin Evil Spirit Legend
Quiz no Hoshi
And one of the Nobunaga games - but I can't remember which one.

Actually, that's basically sorted by rarity too (most rare at top).

I feel pretty lucky to have found them at all.  And I recall that they were 
all expensive when I finally *did* find them, but the price was no longer 
important - I searched for a couple of years for some of these.  And 
"Yakyuten no Uta" was just a fluke that I accidentally found when I visited 
Japan - I couldn't believe it (before that day, I had never heard of the game).

- Dave

Date: Fri Jan 25 14:58:26 EST 2002
Subject: RE: Rarity List

 > Island, Puyo Puyo 2, Alice in Wonderdream, Jigoku Meguri (Tour of Hell),
 > Mizubaku Dai Bouken (Liquid Kids) and Toilet Kids.  

Those are relatively rare games, but there are much rarer ones on the 
PC-Engine.  W/ the exception of Puyo Puyo 2 (and Rainbow Islands to a 
slight extent) those games are moderately rare.  There are definitely 
much rare.  The hardest game for me to find was The TV Show -- can't 
think of the second hardest. :) 

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