Originally posted by:
In this issue:
e-mail address and webpage change...
Re: Opinions on the following...
Another dumb question (shrinkwrapping)
Re: (shrinkwrapping)
Re: Another dumb question (shrinkwrapping)
Re: Another dumb question (shrinkwrapping)
Re: Another dumb question (shrinkwrapping)
Rarity List
Re: Rarity List
Turbo promo flyers
From: ccovell@direct.ca
Date: Thu Jan 24 02:02:36 EST 2002
Subject: e-mail address and webpage change...
Hi, everybody. This message is to let you know that my e-mail address has
changed. I am moving to Japan to teach, and so I have had to set up a new
account. Please send any future e-mail messages to me at this address:
Don't forget to update your address books. Thank you.
Also, for those of you who browse my website, its address has also changed.
Please make sure you change your bookmarks to my website. It is now at:
Best wishes for the future,
Chris Covell (chris_covell@yahoo.ca)
Solar Wars (NES) Homepage!
From: DLVARAJA@itrsolutions.com
Date: Thu Jan 24 11:48:40 EST 2002
Subject: Re: Opinions on the following...
Lords of the Rising Sun
I don't know about the rest, but I did own a copy of Lords of the
Rising Sun. The graphics left much to be desired, but the variety of gameplay more than
made up for that. Its a strategy game with a bit of first person shooting when
you get to take out attacking soldiers with your trusty bow and arrow.
The fact that you can start out as one of eitehr three clans, each with
its own difficulty, and battle it out. I found the game exciting and fun and
enjoyed it. I terribly regret selling it a few years back, WHAT WAS I THINKING??, and I do
plan on finding another copy. I have fond memories of it, and would
recommend it to someone looking to enjoy it as much as I did.
From: andrewShal@mail.nodzine.com
Date: Thu Jan 24 17:13:52 EST 2002
Subject: Another dumb question (shrinkwrapping)
A previous post got me thinking...how can someone (meaning, me) tell if
a game is in the original shrinkwrap or was done by a dishonest seller?
Do they always have the little "tab" on the back? Is the wrap always
tight? Finally, is there a list of honest/dishonest sellers in regards
to this (eBay included)? Thanks again for all the help!
--- Turbo List Information ---------------------------------------------
You can subscribe to and unsubscribe from the Turbo List through the WWW
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for all the details.
From: DisKounter@aol.com
Date: Thu Jan 24 18:31:33 EST 2002
Subject: Re: (shrinkwrapping)
Shrinkwrapping is not a dumb question.
Many stores like Electronics Botique and Babbages open new games, and
either sell them open, or re-wrap them.
Ebay and their counterpart Half.Com are just sources for people to sell
games. Depending on how honest someone is (read their
reviews/ratings/etc) and find out.
Not all new games have plastic hang tabs on the back. Also, a retailer
can attach plastic hang tabs if needed.
There have been items I have needed to re-wrap because customers have
removed or partially removed the shrinkwrap.
An honest seller would tell you if its factory wrapped, or a rewrap.
Brian Satinover
From: killed@home.com
Date: Thu Jan 24 21:23:35 EST 2002
Subject: Re: Another dumb question (shrinkwrapping)
in my experience, factory shrinkwrapping generally has a vertical or
horizontal seam running the length or width of the game (in the middle of
either the front or reverse of the box). This is virtually impossible to
recreate, using home shrinkwrapping machines or even the type that EB or the
like uses. upon inspection of my sealed copy of Deep Blue (hahah! what a
P.O.S.!!!) however, i've found that there IS no definitive seam. so, even
with the tab, it's anyone's guess. just trust your source! sorry this was so
useless.. i'm lame.. enjoy!
abe m.
> A previous post got me thinking...how can someone (meaning, me) tell if
> a game is in the original shrinkwrap or was done by a dishonest seller?
> Do they always have the little "tab" on the back?
--- Turbo List Information ----------------------------------------------
Turbo Zone Direct is the official NEC repair staion for all American Turbo
products. With the highest regard for customer service in this industry,
our reputation is paramount, our track record is an open book. Check us
out at http://WWW.TZD.COM/ Your feedback is always appreciated.
From: texas@hpo.net
Date: Thu Jan 24 22:34:53 EST 2002
Subject: Re: Another dumb question (shrinkwrapping)
For the import side of things, I might be the definitive source, as
I've got a huge collection of factory sealed Turbo & Saturn games.
With VERY little exception, factory sealed games do have the hang tab
that's been referred to. *HOWEVER* there are a few that don't. Many
older double-case Turbo games (and Saturn for that matter) do not have
the nicer plastic. One on the Saturn I've got that's still sealed, but
w/ crappy shrinkwrap is Steam Hearts (I've seen a few of them, and
they've got no hang-tabs, and bought them from reliable sources. Two
others taht come to mind that I bought new from different stores in
Akihabara (when they came out) are Grandia II & Rent-a-hero No. 1 for
the DC. Odd, as they're so recent.
From: texas@hpo.net
Date: Thu Jan 24 22:36:38 EST 2002
Subject: Re: Another dumb question (shrinkwrapping)
Well, I'll start the list out:
Me (renton6 on Ebay).
I've got qutie a few sealed turbo/saturn games on my sales page. I
payed through the nose for them though, so they're probably higher
priced than most people want to pay. :(
Finally, is there a list of honest/dishonest sellers in regards
> to this (eBay included)?>
From: gjc53@student.canterbury.ac.nz
Date: Fri Jan 25 00:32:38 EST 2002
Subject: Rarity List
So is there an official rarity list for turbo games? im just wondering
because im just starting to try and collect more games, and wondered if
there was such a list.
Also whats the chances of peopl eselling the cardboard boxes? what would
they be worth each?
so much to learn so little money to buy with :)
anyone have photos of there complete or close to complete turbo grafx
From: davidc@umail.ucsb.edu
Date: Fri Jan 25 01:11:33 EST 2002
Subject: Re: Rarity List
"Also whats the chances of peopl eselling the cardboard boxes? what would
they be worth each?"
I've sold a bunch of turbo games on ebay but never one with the box...
that's because all my Turbo boxes are sitting in some mystery box I
have in storage and I never really felt like digging 'em all up. I
would be willing to part with the boxes of most of the games that I
have already sold. Granted, I would actually need to find the box that
has all the boxes in it. but if I found them, I would sell them to you.
I would have to look for 'em next time I visited my parents' house,
which could be anywhere from a week to a little over a month away. Tell
me if you're interested in them at all.
On a side note, I have every single Turbo promo sheet and booklet I
have gotten since about '92. It's a pretty thick envelope of stuff. I'm
not really thinking of selling any of it. but if anyone is interested
in some scans of the stuff, I could arrange it. Of course, that
envelope is in storage at my parents' house too. =/
let's just hope nobody thought it was a bunch of trash and threw it all
away. =[
--- Turbo List Information ---------------------------------------------
The Turbo List: Our drivers carry less than $20 in cash (mainly because
they're always broke from buying TG/Duo/PCE games), but none the less,
it's just something that you should be aware of.
From: ethylene@viclink.com
Date: Fri Jan 25 01:42:46 EST 2002
Subject: Turbo promo flyers
Oh man, I used to have just such an envelope. Crammed with promos, magazine
articles (what the hell was wrong with me?). I used to wear my Lords of
Thunder and Bloody Wolf T-shirts with PRIDE :)
I threw all those promos away. I had weird stuff in there too. TTI started
having a coupon-redeeming campaign towards the end. Like if you bought
$5000 worth of games, and clipped the points from the back page of the
manual, you could get a LaserActive or Neo-Geo. Lots of non-Turbo stuff.
They even had a little membership card, too. What was it called? T2 Team
Club, or something fabulous like that.
The Bloody Wolf T-shirt fell to pieces when I had to change a friend's car
battery one day. I still have the Lords of Thunder T-shirt but I won't wear
it because I'm a grown-up now. Never saw that one coming.
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most out of you system. Send a message to the turbo-list-request address
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