Article-I.D.: lzwi.330
Posted: Tue Oct 1 13:49:07 1985
Date-Received: Thu, 3-Oct-85 05:21:49 EDT
References: <> <310@proper.UUCP>
Organization: AT&T-IS Enhanced Network Services
Lines: 28
In article <310@proper.UUCP>, carl@proper.UUCP (Carl Greenberg) writes:
> The characters in there all had computer-related names in common. You all
> must know what "foo" is as in "Lisa Foo" and "foobar". Furthermore, we have
> a guy called Hal- and you all must remember 2001: A Space Odyssey. And Kludge
> is explained, and of course we have an Osborne in there. It's quite
> intentional, I think... Carl Greenberg
Geez, do I feel dense.
Detective Osborne: If you've never heard of Adam Osborne or Osborne
Computers, none of this is going to mean a lot to you!
Lisa Foo: Steve Jobs' mostly-ex-girlfriend had a baby daughter named
Lisa. Jobs said the child wasn't his; the courts disagreed. Roughly
a year later, Apple Computer announced the Lisa (forerunner of the
Macintosh). "Foo", as in "foobar" or "fubar", is a common noise word
among hackers.
Victor Apfel: There was a computer called the Victor 9000 (I think it
was called the Sirius 1 or some such in Britain and Europe.) As for
"Apfel" - that isn't German for "Apple", is it?
Hal Lanier: 2001's HAL 9000, and Lanier word processors.
Charles Kludge: "Kludge" is explained. I can't make any plays on
either "Charles" or "Patrick William Gavin".
None of the minor characters seem to have computer-derived names.