Article-I.D.: lzwi.321
Posted: Wed Sep 18 23:19:52 1985
Date-Received: Fri, 20-Sep-85 04:43:40 EDT
Organization: AT&T-IS Enhanced Network Services
Lines: 17
THE HIGH KING brooks no sequel. It is the last story, the tale of the
final clash between the House of Don and the forces of Arawn. All the
loose ends are tied up, or dealt with the way Alexander dealt with the
Gorgon's knot. It tells of a war that is unavoidable, that must be
fought, but that brings slaughter more often than glory. This is a grim
book for children or adults, "a battle," according to Lloyd in his
Author's Note, "whose aftermath is deeper in consequences than the
struggle itself." Yet the story is as suitable for children as adults,
except maybe at bedtime; it'll keep kids up late with nightmares, and
older readers up with the midnight oil. Highly, highly recommended.
-Paul S. R. Chisholm The above opinions are my own,
{pegasus,vax135}!lzwi!psc not necessarily those of any
{mtgzz,ihnp4}!lznv!psc telecommunications company.
(*sigh* ihnp4!lzwi!psc does *NOT* work!!! Use above paths.)
"Of *course* it's the murder weapon. Who would frame someone with a fake?"