Originally posted by: hong@garfield.UUCP
Article-I.D.: garfield.4313
Posted: Tue Nov 12 09:36:27 1985
Date-Received: Tue, 12-Nov-85 10:19:28 EST
Sender: moderate@garfield.UUCP
Reply-To: hong@garfield.UUCP (Hong Cheng)
Organization: Memorial U. of Nfld. C.S. Dept., St. John's
Lines: 7
Keywords: vic
hi, i'm finding this interface for my old-vic.
this is a cassette interface which will speed up the cassette loading
or saving, but i didn't find the address of this company in recent
compute!. i remember that the company name is eastern house.
if you know, would you please tell me?
thanks in advance.