Originally posted by: richardt@orstcs.UUCP (richardt)
Article-I.D.: orstcs.7800037
Posted: Wed Aug 7 01:29:00 1985
Date-Received: Mon, 12-Aug-85 06:34:11 EDT
Organization: Oregon State University - Corvallis, OR
Lines: 24
Nf-ID: #N:orstcs:7800037:000:1114
Nf-From: orstcs!richardt Aug 5 21:29:00 1985
Two great fallacies about Spielberg movies:
1) All that Steven Spielberg touches turns to gold.
In evidence agianst this, I would like to mention
"~The Sugarland Express" (something like that),
which was one of SS's earlier films and went over
like a lead balloon. There may have been some
extenuating circumstances: "Sugarland" was based,
very closely, upon a true story. An interesting
thing: after this flopped, it took SS a long time to
get anyone to even think about hiring him.
2) SS has never had a major female character. Although Princess
Leia is not exactly Kate Hepburn, she isn't all sweetness
and light either. Much of her problem stems from Hollywood
typescripting. However, in "Sugarland" SS had Goldie Hawn
playing the main character, who happened to have a very
strong personality. This also may have had something to
do with the film's short life. The funny thing is,
"Sugarland" is re-run fairly often on late-night T.V., esp. CBS
"Flames!Foes!Fear! Awake!!!!!!!..." BEM:"But I only wanted directions to Rigel"