Article-I.D.: lzwi.374
Posted: Tue Oct 22 00:22:35 1985
Date-Received: Wed, 23-Oct-85 04:43:51 EDT
Organization: AT&T-IS Enhanced Network Services
Lines: 37
< Oxygen is for people who can't take New Jersey >
Moriarty: Unhand that fair comic, Sh**ter!
Sh**ter: Ha ha ha ha ha! You don't frighten me, Meyer; you've no
Leepers to help you now!
Moriarty: Oh, yeah?? Take *this*!
Sh**ter: Aaaargh! Oh, no! An attack of (*gasp*) GOOD TASTE!! (No
fair! Cheater, cheater . . .)
I remember X-MEN #150. The entire team was convinced that Cyclops was
a bad guy (Phoenix!), and he had to incapacitate them before he could
deal with the real threat. He used his eye beams, his strength, his
agility, his experience, and his determination, and he beat one of the
strongest super-teams in the Marvel Universe. That issue ended with
his marriage to Madelyne.
Now Cyclops is a brand-new father. But he can't enjoy it: he's too
busy worrying about the X-Men. ("Y'know, baby, sometimes your father
can be a real prick.") His concern leads to a one-on-one fight with
Storm. First of all, team members quit beating each other up twenty
years ago, to my immense relief. Second, Scott beat this lady when she
could fly and throw lightning bolts; now she can't do either. Third,
his heart's not in *that*, either.
Tell me, just what *is* Mr. Summers really thinking about? Is he
getting ready for his hot date in X-FACTOR #1? How is Jean going to
handle the triple shocks of finding out that Scott not only is a father,
but boinked a simulated Jean on a mountain top, and eventually got
*her* pregnant? Will this garbage keep up?
Tune in next week, same crap time, same crap channel.
-Paul S. R. Chisholm The above opinions are my own,
{pegasus,vax135}!lzwi!psc not necessarily those of any
{mtgzz,ihnp4}!lznv!psc telecommunications company.
(*sigh* ihnp4!lzwi!psc does *NOT* work!!! Use above paths.)