Originally posted by: pc6300@mtuxt.UUCP (P.CABCD)
Article-I.D.: mtuxt.545
Posted: Fri May 3 16:16:36 1985
Date-Received: Tue, 7-May-85 04:52:36 EDT
Organization: AT&T Information Systems, Holmdel NJ
Lines: 35
For those people who are trying to install 256K ram chips on the
motherboard of the AT&T PC 6300, the following may be of interest.
1) All motherboards support the 256K chips
2) some motherboards have sockets, others have all memory chips
3) you can install the 256K chips in either bank of memory.
4) the chips must be 150 nanoseconds. You are on your own for
vendor type.
5) the switch settings are as follows:
on DIPSW-0 (the one closer to the center of the motherboard)
sw1 sw2 sw3 sw4 location
off on on on 128k on motherboard
on off on on 256k on motherboard
off off on on 256K on motherboard, 128K on expansion board
on on off on 256K on motherboard, 256K on expansion board
off on off on 256K on motherboard, 384K on expansion board
on on on off 512K on motherboard-in bank 0
off on on off 512K on bank 0, 128K on bank 1 of motherboard
off on off off 128k on bank 0, 512K on bank 1 of motherboard
other switch combinations are meaningless.
Look carefully at the DIPSW to determine which is "off" and which is "on".
If you unsolder memory chips to install 256K chips you do so at your own