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Star Trek Movies [message #118683] Tue, 24 September 2013 14:33
Originally posted by: @RUTGERS.ARPA:Purtill.StudentNS@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA
Message-ID: <843@topaz.ARPA>
Date: Sat, 2-Mar-85 16:02:02 EST
Article-I.D.: topaz.843
Posted: Sat Mar  2 16:02:02 1985
Date-Received: Tue, 5-Mar-85 02:11:16 EST
Sender: daemon@topaz.ARPA
Organization: Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N.J.
Lines: 23

From: Mark Purtill 


>[Some people where talking about extra footage inserted into ST:TMP and
>STII when on TV.]

George Takei (Sulu) talked here at MIT last Monday (Feb 25), and I think
he said that the additional footage on TV is in the video cassette
version.  He also said that there were additional scenes shot, some of
which are in the video, and some not.  His favorite of those, as he put
it, "playing on the cutting room floor," was one wherein Sulu gets his
command, and he's going to try to get Harve Bennett (sp?) to reinsert it
in STIV, which will start shooting in September, for release in June
1986.  Also, some of the episodes now being released (at a low, low
price of $14.95 each) have additional scenes.

He also mentioned the possibility of a new /Star Trek/ TV series.  Since
neither Shatner nor Nimoy was interested in doing the show on a regular
basis, Takei is trying to convince the powers that be that the show
should be called /Captain Sulu/.

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