Message-ID: <8897@brl-tgr.ARPA>
Date: Mon, 4-Mar-85 00:55:22 EST
Article-I.D.: brl-tgr.8897
Posted: Mon Mar 4 00:55:22 1985
Date-Received: Wed, 6-Mar-85 04:13:24 EST
Sender: news@brl-tgr.ARPA
Lines: 93
Thanks to Bob Clements , version 8.6 of the
W0RLI Packet Radio MailBox/BBS/GateWay system is now available from
Filename Type Bytes CRC
Directory MICRO:
PACKET86.LBR.1 BINARY 154112 68C9H
Here are Bob's comments about the package.
3 March 1985
Here are the files that make up version 8.6 of the W0RLI
Packet Radio MailBox/BBS/GateWay system.
There have been many changes since version 6.9 was posted to
the SIMTEL20 archives. A change history is in the file
NOTES.TNC. A few of the major ones are:
1) The program has been converted to M80/L80 source language.
It got too big for ASM/MAC.
2) Automatic forwarding of mail among packet systems is
supported. This requires a user list in the file FWD.TNC.
3) The BIOS got too big, too. There is now a two stage bootstrap,
with the second stage in the file CBIOS.COM, also as described
This system runs on the following hardware:
Xerox 820-1 computer (the ones that were available for $50,
and are still around for not much more),
one or more 8" single density, single or double sided disk drives,
parallel keyboard, CRT monitor.
Packet Radio gear:
One or Two TAPR (or AEA) TNCs with version 3.1 or later software.
(Two TNCs if you are going to run a crossband Gateway.)
Radio gear:
One or two transceivers.
The W0RLI software supports sending, receiving and forwarding
mail, uploading and downloading files, capturing typescripts,
logging channel activity and mailbox activity, and gateway
operation between two TNCs on two bands.
Read the file NOTES.TNC to start working your way through the
Hank, W0RLI, does not have access to ARPANET or Usenet. I will be
glad to try to answer questions and/or relay questions and comments
to Hank via 2 meters. You can reach me at
ARPANET: clements@BBN
Usenet: {ihnp4, linus, wivax, decvax, wjh12, ima}!bbncca!clements
Hank would appreciate knowing of users who are running this software.
A QSL to Hank or a net message to me would be appreciated.
Here is Hank's update from the February 1985 NEPRA PacketEar:
The MailBox/GateWay has now been sent to 25 states and 5 countries.
As far as I know for sure, it is on the air at least 20 places now. In
the Boston area, 4000 messages have passed through it. The local
forwarding network now includes 9 nodes: W0RLI, WB2OSZ, WB1DSW, K1BC,
WA2RRKN-2, K7PYK, WA4SZK, KA1T, W1AW-4. The last two run their own
software, but allow for forwarding from the W0RLI systems.
A message put into any one of these systems will find its way to the
system nearest the intended recipient.
There are several other areas of the country now using the
software: Georgia, Arizona, Iowa, Washington DC, Seattle, ENY/NYC/NNJ,
Dallas, Illinois, Southern New Jersey, Los Angeles have all been heard
from. All have the software in daily use.
Expect to see it on Oscar-10 at KL7GNG soon.
Look for it from Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Hungary.
Sacramento county RACES will be using it.
GateWays are running at W0RLI, K7PYK, WA4SZK and WB7DCH.
de Hank Oredson, W0RLI