Message-ID: <521@intelca.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 4-Mar-85 11:52:02 EST
Article-I.D.: intelca.521
Posted: Mon Mar 4 11:52:02 1985
Date-Received: Wed, 6-Mar-85 14:20:14 EST
References: <8708@brl-tgr.ARPA>
Organization: Intel, Santa Clara, Ca.
Lines: 21
If you look into the box of the Keyboard you will probably find a
microcontroller running it. If that is the case and it is an EPROM
version, (or even if it has an EPROM equivalent) You will need to
dump out its software, find the table of ascii characters it sends
(usually a serial table from 0-7FH but may be grouped differently,
eg 0-1F,40-5F,20-3F etc) The distinguishing factor is usually the
all numbers from 0-7F appear exactly once, and in a space that is
80H bytes long. Once you have this info (assuming you dumped it into
a programmer capable of programming the EPROM version of your micro
controller) You can find the ascii representations of the keys you
want to redifine in the table and replace the ascii code that a Dvorak
keyboard would return. Then program the new micro controller, (*always*
save the old one so you can go back to square 1 if you need to) install
it and voila, Dvorak in hardware.
- - - D I S C L A I M E R - - -
{ihnp4,fortune}!dual\ All opinions expressed herein are my
{qantel,idi}-> !intelca!cem own and not those of my employer, my
{ucbvax,hao}!hplabs/ friends, or my avocado plant. :-}