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Boskone 22: NESFA & greed (caution: flamethrower set on broil) [message #117608] Mon, 23 September 2013 18:22 Go to next message
davison is currently offline  davison
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Message-ID: <882@bnl.UUCP>
Date: Thu, 21-Feb-85 18:23:52 EST
Article-I.D.: bnl.882
Posted: Thu Feb 21 18:23:52 1985
Date-Received: Wed, 27-Feb-85 05:13:44 EST
Distribution: net
Lines: 66

I've just returned from Boskone 22, and the news is not good.  As usual, they
had more people than they wanted; 2300 was the last number I heard.  Actually
I was so disgusted with the fall of NESFA that I didn't bother going to the
con Sunday and Monday.  First, however, the good news:

o the Boxboro party was *excellent*.  They really know how to throw a good
  party and a good time appeared to be had by all.

o the limited events available were for the most part well run

Now for the bad news, in increasing order of disgust (NESFA fen, you may not
want to read this):

o the parties were shut down by the hotel at 3 AM.  Somebody didn't do their
  work correctly; that's way too early.
   (ok-hotel problem)

o the elevators apparently read HHTTG, since they went on strike for most of 
  the con, making it an exercise in paitence to get to the various parties.
  (ok, another hotel problem)

o Long flame:

I will never again have anything to do with Boskone, NESFA, or their attempts
at getting the '89 ('90?) worldcon, except possibly to work against the last.
They were charging $22.00 at the door for => one day admission <= , the same
as for the full event.  I thought this was suspicious, especially since
the people working the registration desk offered the stunningly lame excuse that
"with these badges we can't tell one day people from all-weekend people".
In less than 10 minutes in theregistration area I heard *at least* 10
people express surprise and disgust...but they still paid.
The same people ran the '80 worldcon, had more people and still
had day memberships.  So the excuse is pure bu******.

What really stunned me was the reason NESFA was charging a uniform $22.00:
greed.  Yep, GREED.  The *** are buying a clubhouse and are using fen from
all over the northeast to generate money
for their relatively private use.  "But they deserve it, they've put on
great cons for 42 +/- something years".  Yep, they've put on great cons 
(interesting how they've slightly adjusted the meaning of the word, eh?)
but this is a gross violation and ripoff of everything fandom has stood for.

(as an aside, the '80 worldcon had an approximately $32,000 profit, so the
Worldcon committee knows what they're doing [figure from the Noreascon Memory

(flamethrower now set to "stun" rather than "broil")

o I also was informed several times that the lousy film/video schedule was
  deliberate, because they didn't want riff-raff (no not him!) off the streets
  coming in "just to see the movies".  Phoooooeeeeey.

Moral of the story: (part 1):

(part II): I guess the yuppie-me-generation selfishness can reach all types.
For some reason I thought fen were different.

dan davison
Re: Boskone 22: NESFA & greed [message #117614 is a reply to message #117608] Mon, 23 September 2013 18:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
mjc is currently offline  mjc
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Message-ID: <305@cmu-cs-cad.ARPA>
Date: Sat, 23-Feb-85 20:40:49 EST
Article-I.D.: cmu-cs-c.305
Posted: Sat Feb 23 20:40:49 1985
Date-Received: Wed, 27-Feb-85 06:02:08 EST
Organization: Carnegie-Mellon University, CS/RI
Lines: 29

I am not a member of NESFA and have only attended one Boskone (the most

From: cmcl2!bnl!davison@seismo (Dan Davison)
>They were charging $22.00 at the door for => one day admission <= , the same
>as for the full event.  I thought this was suspicious, especially since
>the people working the registration desk offered the stunningly lame excuse that
>"with these badges we can't tell one day people from all-weekend people".

You're right here; this is incredibly lame.

>What really stunned me was the reason NESFA was charging a uniform $22.00:
>greed.  Yep, GREED.  The *** are buying a clubhouse and are using fen from
>all over the northeast to generate money
>for their relatively private use.  

Uh, Dan, what do you think groups that sponsor cons do with the profits?
Send all the fen who attended a rebate?  No, they *keep* them and they use
them for their group.  I'd expect that some of this year's profits are going
to next year's Boskone, too.  Maybe groups should publish what they're going
to do with profits so you can find out before you register, but if you care
that much maybe you'll ask first.  If you objected to the plans for the
money, you didn't have to go, but if you didn't do any research before paying
your money you have only yourself to blame.

UUCP: ...ucbvax!dual!lll-crg!dragon
ARPA: monica.cellio@cmu-cs-cad or dragon@lll-crg
Re: Boskone 22: NESFA & greed (caution: flamethrower set on broil) [message #117638 is a reply to message #117608] Mon, 23 September 2013 18:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ndd is currently offline  ndd
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Message-ID: <5471@duke.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 25-Feb-85 09:54:27 EST
Article-I.D.: duke.5471
Posted: Mon Feb 25 09:54:27 1985
Date-Received: Wed, 27-Feb-85 20:58:48 EST
References: <882@bnl.UUCP>
Reply-To: ndd@duke.UUCP (Ned D. Danieley)
Distribution: net
Organization: Duke University
Lines: 3

3 AM is way too early to shut down a party? That sounds pretty
late to me.
Re: Boskone 22: NESFA & greed (caution: flamethrower set on broil) [message #118633 is a reply to message #117608] Tue, 24 September 2013 14:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ron@brl-vgr.ARPA (Ron is currently offline  ron@brl-vgr.ARPA (Ron
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Message-ID: <8754@brl-tgr.ARPA>
Date: Wed, 27-Feb-85 21:34:23 EST
Article-I.D.: brl-tgr.8754
Posted: Wed Feb 27 21:34:23 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 2-Mar-85 03:41:25 EST
References: <882@bnl.UUCP> <5471@duke.UUCP>
Distribution: net
Organization: Ballistic Research Lab
Lines: 7

> 3 AM is way too early to shut down a party? That sounds pretty
> late to me.

Ah come on.  Even thought they lost money, we had parties 'til dawn
at Constellation.

Re: Boskone 22 [message #118639 is a reply to message #117608] Tue, 24 September 2013 14:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
mjn is currently offline  mjn
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Message-ID: <331@panda.UUCP>
Date: Thu, 28-Feb-85 10:51:37 EST
Article-I.D.: panda.331
Posted: Thu Feb 28 10:51:37 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 2-Mar-85 04:20:30 EST
Distribution: net
Organization: GenRad, Inc., Concord, Mass.
Lines: 124

In reply to both Elizabeth and Dan Davidson:

You are no doubt aware that there are several members of NESFA on
USENET, myself included.  Stating from the outset that it is quite
clear that NESFA is not perfect, I will address some of the things
stated previously.

Running a Con Year after Year:
    Based on several things both of you said it is fairly clear
that you have not helped to run or organize a convention.  See that
little 22 after the Boskone in the subject line above?  It means that
NESFA has been trying to put out a good convention for 22 years.  Don't
you thing that it might be a little tough to be original and different
year after year?

    You also mentioned being jaded with program material.  That happens,
but I think difference lies in your change attitudes and perceptions, 
rather than quality of programming slipping.  I've become very tired of
listening to the same old panels every year.  As a result, I don't
attend them anymore.  On the other hand, I appreciate the Boskone Art
Show more with each passing year.  A con is what you make of it.  Work
at it some.

Resistration Fee (How can they be so greedy?):
    Both you and Dan mention $22 being steep for registration.  How many
other conventions do you attend.  I'm not talking about Star Trek cons in
Portland, Maine, but big regionals:  Disclave, Westercon, Maplecon, etc.
I think you'd find that they run about the same or more for the weekend.
(This doesn't even come close to $50 for a worldcon!)

    Were does all the money go?  You might be surprised at some of the
costs involved in running a big con.  Rentals, printing, flying in GOH, 
postal rates (hmm, 22c), rooms to get, etc, etc.  NESFA is a non-profit
organization.  The budget for Boskone every year is designed to break
even.  Each year an estimate is made of how many people will attend the
convention.  This times the con rate is how much money can be budgeted.

    Now when we come down to it, if this year's con attracts a lot of 
people, the convention makes a profit.  On the other hand, if fewer than
predicted show up, it looses money.  NESFA has been concerned about the
later for years.  Part of the profits (if any) from previous cons goes
towards an insurance fund to help bail out the eventual Big Money Loser.

Weekend vs Daily Rates:
    This has been a topic of discussion for years in NESFA.  It usually
comes down to this:  its too much work to try and organize and check for
one day badges.  Consider:  four different kinds of badges are needed.
One for each day of the con, and one for the whole weekend.  Stamps
stickers, etc are too small and have been shown to not work well.  Thus,
as unfortunate as it is for some people, one rate is charged.

    In the past, this has been moderated somewhat.  If by Sunday, 
membership in the con is a little below predicted numbers, a discount
might be offered for just Sunday.  By then, no special badges are needed.
In recent years, however, not enough people isn't the problem, its too
many people.

Keeping out the Riff Raff:
    Boskone as a convention is set up and organized by about 30 people.
These same people are responsible for there being anything at all, much
less living up the quality we see year after year.  At the con, however,
these people are only managers.  The people who REALLY run the con are
fans.  Volunteers, hundreds of them.  If it weren't for these people
who given up a little piece of the con (which they paid for), it would
fail miserably.

    Thus we come to it.  NESFA cannot handle well a convention were
too many people attend.  Volunteers do not seem to increase linearly
with the number of attendees.  More people means more disorganization.
The facilites are arranged for optimal numbers.  More people cause
breakdowns in flow, control, and timing.

    For the past several years NESFA has been trying various ways to
keep the number of people attending a Boskone to a reasonable number.
They truly want to keep the quality high and that means keep the numbers
small.  One way to cut numbers is to not have daily rates.  Its some
what unfortunately that this cuts out people who cannot afford full
weekend rates, but it helps.  Another method tried is altering content
of the film program.  Since Star Trek and other big media productions
have their own specialty cons, they have been removed from Boskones.

    In a sense, as soon as you try to exclude people to keep numbers
from getting too large, discrimination enters.  NESFA has been trying
very hard to handle this in the most reasonable way possible.  One
other thing to remember here.  The members of NESFA who put on a 
Boskone are volunteers too.  They are doing their best to organize
something for your enjoyment.  If you have a criticism or suggestion,
tell them.  They will listen.  There was even two items on the program
for fan feedback.  Did you attend?

NESFA's Clubhouse Search:
    In closing, I'd like to say a few things about NESFA search for a 
clubhouse.  It is true that we are looking for one.  Priced a house
lately?  Commerical space of the size NESFA needs runs even more.  Its
a lot harder to find a building which suits the requirements too.  The
search has been going on actively for almost 2 years.  We came very
close recently (money was put down), but the deal fell through from the
seller's side.  It was quite disappointing.

    Where does the money for such an acquisition come from?  Money for
the NESFA clubhouse is being gathered from donations to a building
fund and a realty trust fund.  Donations (and proceeds from auctions,
etc) have come to about 12K.  Add in sale of bonds (mostly to members)
and the total comes to about 60K.

    Wait a minute!  What about all those profits from Boskone?!?  As
far as I know, none of the money generated by previous Boskones is
put into the building fund.  NONE!  Profits (what there is) does go
towards operating expenses of NESFA.  Some of it goes towards purchase
of equipment to run future Boskones and some of it is donated to SF
related causes (TAFF, club membership in worldcon, Reading for the Blind, 
etc.)  Where is all of this NESFA greed of which you speak?

     Mark J. Norton
     decvax!genrad!{panda | teddy}!mjn
Re: Boskone 22 [message #118655 is a reply to message #117608] Tue, 24 September 2013 14:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by: barry@mit-eddie.UUCP (Mikki Barry)
Message-ID: <3723@mit-eddie.UUCP>
Date: Fri, 1-Mar-85 12:15:07 EST
Article-I.D.: mit-eddi.3723
Posted: Fri Mar  1 12:15:07 1985
Date-Received: Sun, 3-Mar-85 03:36:27 EST
References: <331@panda.UUCP>
Distribution: net
Organization: MIT, Cambridge, MA
Lines: 28

First off, I would like to say that I enjoyed Boskone 22 (for the most part).
The Art Show was excellent, the hucksters room had space to move in, the
movie room was quite adequate, even for Dr. Jeckyl.  However, I must protest
the movies, and interface with the hotel.

The movies were quite horrible this year.  The only good ones were the silent,
the slide show (Phil Folio, et al), and Jitlov.  Otherwise, it seemed like the
same shorts were shown, and the feature films were really lacking.  Even if
nobody showed Star Trek, etc., I am sure that better movies could have been

Interface with the hotel being lacking is understandable.  Given that the
Marriott didn't quite expect 3000+ lunatics roaming the corridors til dawn, it
is amazing that things went as smoothly as they did.  However, a BIG problem
(for fen with any bucks at all), was the dress code in the restaurants.  NESFA
really should have checked this out beforehand, and either warned us to dress
in a manner befitting those who spend lots of money for a beer, or (even 
better) informing the hotel of the manner of fan attending conventions, and
getting them to relax the rules for the duration.  (Yes, I realize that
one restaurant allowed scruffy fen in, but it wasn't quite enough.

Programming also wasn't too hot, but I agree with the assumption that we may
be "growing out of" some of it.  After all, how many panels on world building
do you want to go to.

There will always be problems with hotels, elevators, restaurants, unruly fans,
etc.  Taking all into consideration, NESFA did a good job again this year.  Now
if they can only get some better movies....
Re: Boskone 22: NESFA & greed (caution: flamethrower set on broil) [message #118680 is a reply to message #117608] Tue, 24 September 2013 14:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
psc is currently offline  psc
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Message-ID: <329@lzmi.UUCP>
Date: Sun, 3-Mar-85 19:26:23 EST
Article-I.D.: lzmi.329
Posted: Sun Mar  3 19:26:23 1985
Date-Received: Mon, 4-Mar-85 20:34:34 EST
References: <882@bnl.UUCP>
Organization: AT&T-IS Enhanced Network Services
Lines: 38

Jeez.  Twenty-two whole dollars?  I admit, I would like to see one-day
memberships priced appropriately.  I'd also like to see a $60 dollar
Macintosh (I've had this dream two nights now).  I don't see anything
wrong in raising money for the clubhouse.  (As for the 1980 surplus,
some of it was sent down to Baltimore, to keep Constellation from

Video program:  I can't believe it was busted deliberately.  I can't
believe it was busted so *badly*. . . .

Programming:  excellent.

Hotel:  The Marriot seemed to think they were too Ritzy for fans, or
even mundanes.  (BTW, that's a *pun*, folk.)  I didn't have any trouble
getting lunch on Friday, dressed in jeans, T-shirt, and denim jacket,
and I hear they eased off as the weekend went on.  My flame is about
the security guy who, after the Sat 5AM fire alarm, told me I couldn't
wait in the lobby (I was looking for my eleven-year-old, who turned out
to be back in the room).  I enlightened the security idiot in a quiet,
polite tone without any even slightly offensive language.  (And jumped
up so fast, reliable witnesses thought I was going to punch him out.)
Summary:  the hotel should get their act together.

Punday:  Why can't it start at eight, instead of nine?  *Long*.  I was
astounded that the guy who took third place got that far, though second
and first place were earned.  To last year's winner and this year's
fourth place Richard Hill, better luck next time; you were right, a
quick 5 is better than a slow 7.  To non-entrant Richard Stallman: next
year, ENTER!

Finally:  I believe Mark Ol$son (next year's chair) is on the net
somewhere, if you have constructive criticism.
	-Paul S. R. Chisholm
	...!{pegasus,cbosgd}!lzmi!psc   The above opinions are my own,
	...!{hocsj,ihnp4}!lznv!psc      not necessarily anyone else's.
Re: Boskone 22: NESFA & greed (caution: flamethrower set on broil) [message #118693 is a reply to message #117608] Tue, 24 September 2013 14:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ecl is currently offline  ecl
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Message-ID: <518@ahutb.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 4-Mar-85 10:11:33 EST
Article-I.D.: ahutb.518
Posted: Mon Mar  4 10:11:33 1985
Date-Received: Tue, 5-Mar-85 03:16:45 EST
References: <882@bnl.UUCP>, <329@lzmi.UUCP>
Organization: AT&T Information Systems Labs, Holmdel NJ
Lines: 18

REFERENCES:  <882@bnl.UUCP>, <329@lzmi.UUCP>

My only major complaint was with the hotel/con interface.  Saturday night there
was a member of the Con Committee (well, he had the badge anyway) asking to see
room keys before letting anyone onto the express elevators (to the 23rd and up
floors).  This was to prevent them from being clogged with people who would
ride up to 23 and walk down to their floor (say 18) because that was faster
than waiting for a regular elevator.

When I got back to my room (after refusing to show my room key to this person),
I called Hotel Security, who knew nothing about this.  I complained (and they
agreed) that hotel occupants should not be expected to show their room keys
(and numbers) to anyone except hotel security staff.  What the final resolution
of this was I don't know.

					Evelyn C. Leeper
Note temporary kluge for new address =>	...{ihnp4, houxm, hocsj}!ahuta!ahutb!ecl
Re: Boskone 22: NESFA & greed (caution: flamethrower set on broil) [message #118694 is a reply to message #117608] Tue, 24 September 2013 14:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by: barry@mit-eddie.UUCP (Mikki Barry)
Message-ID: <3737@mit-eddie.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 4-Mar-85 10:59:12 EST
Article-I.D.: mit-eddi.3737
Posted: Mon Mar  4 10:59:12 1985
Date-Received: Tue, 5-Mar-85 03:23:33 EST
References: <882@bnl.UUCP> <329@lzmi.UUCP>
Organization: MIT, Cambridge, MA
Lines: 13

Don't feel too badly about security.  We, too, had a bad experience with some
of the "boys in brown".  Three of us, (two karate instructors and a student)
were sitting by a door.  A security "officer" informed us that we were sitting
near a fire door and "move.  Now". As we got up to move, I looked at the door
and commented that fire doors should be marked as such so people wouldn't 
sit near them.

Mr. Security then said, "Move your asses now or I'm going to start some 
trouble", as he was punching his hand. Hmmm.  At this point I ceased wondering
why fans were commenting that the hotel really didn't want us there.  Being
good Boskoners, we didn't beat the guy up, but left, hoping NESFA would either
change hotels next year, or ask the Marriott to weed out street punks from 
their security staff.
Re: Boskone 22 [message #118720 is a reply to message #117608] Tue, 24 September 2013 14:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
barryg is currently offline  barryg
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Message-ID: <1815@sdcrdcf.UUCP>
Date: Sun, 3-Mar-85 14:00:59 EST
Article-I.D.: sdcrdcf.1815
Posted: Sun Mar  3 14:00:59 1985
Date-Received: Thu, 7-Mar-85 03:59:44 EST
References: <331@panda.UUCP> <3723@mit-eddie.UUCP>
Reply-To: barryg@sdcrdcf.UUCP (Lee Gold)
Distribution: net
Organization: System Development Corp. R+D, Santa Monica
Lines: 31

Barry and I have been attending BOSKONE (coming out from Los Angeles to do so)
for over ten years.  As old fans, we don't bother attending programs,
preferring to save our waking hours for the core period of 5PM - 3AM.
We're far too busy meeting our East Coast friends (for a precious 3-5
days a year) to want to sit in chairs and listen to panels or movies.

AS a hotel site, we preferred the old Sheraton, with its large rooms and
dependable elevators and nearby mall.  The new Marriot isn't bad either,
particularly if you dress mundanely enough not to run into any dress code
problems.  (From what we can tell, restaurants ended up mainly discriminating
against young fans and costume ball participants.)   We very much liked
access to the Copley Place and Westin Hotels, and I understand that the
structure may be extended up to the Sheraton/Prudential Center Complex someday
which would be even nicer.

Once upon a time (perhaps still), NESFA used to do advance work in the hotel--
tipping maids/waiters/etc. to make up for the fact that fans are notoriously
undertippers.  Perhaps before next year's Boskone, NESFA might do a little
spadework as to which local restaurants are willing to serve strangely clad
people--and have it so announced in the convention daily, thereby getting
significantly more business.  And which restaurants aren't willing to do so--
so even the mundanely clad could boycott them.

The hotel elevators were horrible.  At one point we found ourselves stalled
for 30 minutes awaiting one in ANY direction.  But then most hotel elevators
break down/get jammed by sf conventions.

We enjoyed Boskone tremendously in spite of it all.

--Lee & Barry Gold
Re: Boskone 22 [message #118784 is a reply to message #117608] Tue, 24 September 2013 14:36 Go to previous message
grady is currently offline  grady
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Message-ID: <5376@ucbvax.ARPA>
Date: Fri, 8-Mar-85 20:46:20 EST
Article-I.D.: ucbvax.5376
Posted: Fri Mar  8 20:46:20 1985
Date-Received: Sun, 10-Mar-85 04:56:30 EST
References: <331@panda.UUCP> <3723@mit-eddie.UUCP> <1815@sdcrdcf.UUCP>
Reply-To: grady@ucbvax.UUCP (Steven grady)
Distribution: net
Organization: University of California at Berkeley
Lines: 4

net.sf-lovers.boskone, perhaps?  

		Steven Grady 
Re: Boskone 22: NESFA & greed (caution: flamethrower set on broil) [message #119799 is a reply to message #117608] Thu, 07 March 1985 15:22 Go to previous message
Originally posted by: brust@hyper.UUCP (Steven Brust)
Article-I.D.: hyper.118
Posted: Thu Mar  7 15:22:49 1985
Date-Received: Wed, 13-Mar-85 01:09:39 EST
References: <882@bnl.UUCP> <5471@duke.UUCP> <8754@brl-tgr.ARPA>
Distribution: net
Organization: Network Systems Corp., Mpls., Mn.
Lines: 9

> > 3 AM is way too early to shut down a party? That sounds pretty
> > late to me.
> Ah come on.  Even thought they lost money, we had parties 'til dawn
> at Constellation.
> -Ron
At 3:00 A.M. a good party has been in full swing for 1 to 2 hours.
This is NOT the time to shut down it down.
Re: Boskone 22 [message #119846 is a reply to message #117608] Fri, 15 March 1985 22:59 Go to previous message
lazeldes is currently offline  lazeldes
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Article-I.D.: wlcrjs.633
Posted: Fri Mar 15 22:59:44 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 16-Mar-85 06:02:16 EST
References: <331@panda.UUCP>
Reply-To: lazeldes@wlcrjs.UUCP (Leah A Zeldes)
Distribution: net
Organization: chi-net, Public Access UN*X, Chicago IL
Lines: 191
Keywords: big fat smoffy greedy coastal corporate fandom
Summary: Response to defensive NESFAn (long quotes)

In article <331@panda.UUCP> mjn@panda.UUCP (Mark J. Norton) writes:
>Running a Con Year after Year:
>    Based on several things both of you said it is fairly clear
>that you have not helped to run or organize a convention....  Don't
>you thing that it might be a little tough to be original and different
>year after year?

	Having been on the committee of several regionals (most notably
	AutoClave and ConFusion in Michigan), I can say, yes, it's
	a little tough -- but it certainly isn't impossible.  Partly
	it involves saying no to some of the "easy" regulars and putting
	some new people on the panels.  But mostly it needs fresh ideas
	from the committee, people who are doing the programming job
	because they're interested in programming *not* because it's
	prestigious to be on the committee.  I did not attend this
	year's Boskone, so I can't say if this really was a problem.
	But I *have* heard this flame a lot, and from people who know
	about conventions.

>    You also mentioned being jaded with program material.  That happens,
>but I think difference lies in your change attitudes and perceptions, 
>rather than quality of programming slipping.  I've become very tired of
>listening to the same old panels every year.  As a result, I don't
>attend them anymore. 

	Yes, but that's a problem with  the con, not you -- the programming
	should be interesting to the old-fans-and-tired as well as the neos;
	if it's not, than the con hasn't done a good job.  If you program
	every year with "Oh, the regulars won't go to the programming
	anyway" in mind, you're going to have the same old stuff, and too
	many cons do this.  If you're only going to provide it for the neos,
	why bother to have programming at all, especially when you're 
	trying to keep the "riff raff" out?  So the pros can have a tax 

>  ...A con is what you make of it.  Work at it some.

	That's true.  But a bad con can make it hard...

>Resistration Fee (How can they be so greedy?):
>    [As for] $22 being steep for registration.  How many other
>conventions do you attend.  I'm not talking about Star Trek cons in
>Portland, Maine, but big regionals:  Disclave, Westercon, Maplecon, etc.
>I think you'd find that they run about the same or more for the weekend.
>(This doesn't even come close to $50 for a worldcon!)

	Yes, but that doesn't mean it isn't steep.  The cost of convention
	memberships has escalated far beyond the rate of inflation, mostly
	starting from MAC's "keep the riff raff out" $50  policy in '76.
	Average membership prices have more than quadrupled since then.
>    Were does all the money go?  

	This year it seems to have generated a tidy profit of $30K for
	NESFA  (Per NESFA's clubzine, Instant Message, 2/28).

>  NESFA is a non-profit organization.  The budget for Boskone every year 
>is designed to break even.  

	Blew it, this year, didn't you?  And last year, too.  And the
	year before that....

>  On the other hand, if fewer than predicted show up, it looses money.  
>NESFA has been concerned about the later for years.  Part of the 
>profits (if any) from previous cons goes towards an insurance fund 
>to help bail out the eventual Big Money Loser.

	After 22 years, you'd think there'd be enough socked away
	that NESFA could lay off a little.  At last count, you had
	more than $90K, not counting profits from this year's con.
	A big loss might delay the clubhouse a little, that's all.
>Weekend vs Daily Rates:
>    ...its too much work to try and organize and check for
>one day badges.  Consider:  four different kinds of badges are needed.

	Oh, it's not that much trouble.  You get a bunch of stick-on
	labels (The "Hi, my name is" type will do, but you can have
	them printed with "Boskone #whatever" if you're fussy) and
	three different colored magic markers.  On Friday, you mark
	"FRI" in big, red letters on the stickers; on Saturday, you
	mark "SAT" in green, and so on...  If you use Hilighter-type
	markers the people will be able to write their names over
	the lettering, but it isn't necessary.  When you're running
	a circus as big as Boskone, who cares what anybody's name
	is?  (At Minicon last year, registration made you write your
	name on your badge in front of them, as if it would make any
	difference -- if the gofer watching the con suite doesn't
	know me, how's he going to know that somebody else is wearing
	my nametag?)
>Keeping out the Riff Raff:

	Ah, now we come down to it!

>    For the past several years NESFA has been trying various ways to
>keep the number of people attending a Boskone to a reasonable number.
>...One way to cut numbers is to not have daily rates.  Its some
>what unfortunately that this cuts out people who cannot afford full
>weekend rates, but it helps.  

	Yes, but did you advertise that you weren't going to have one-days?
If you did, and people didn't buy memberships at the pre-con rate, then it's
their own fault, but if you didn't, then people have a right to be annoyed.

>NESFA's Clubhouse Search:
>    Where does the money for such an acquisition come from?  Money for
>the NESFA clubhouse is being gathered from donations to a building
>fund and a realty trust fund.  Donations (and proceeds from auctions,
>etc) have come to about 12K.  Add in sale of bonds (mostly to members)
>and the total comes to about 60K.

	That's interesting.  Instant Message reports more than $52K in
	the building fund and $40K in the trust.  How did that get

>    Wait a minute!  What about all those profits from Boskone?!?  As
>far as I know, none of the money generated by previous Boskones is
>put into the building fund.  NONE! 

	No, but discussion in Instant Message of the building purchase
	seemed to indicated the club was perfectly willing to spend it
	on the clubhouse anyway.  How else could NESFA plan to put 
	$100,000 down, when at the time they only had about $80,900
	between the fund and the trust?

	"...NESFA's current income [is in] three categories: Boskone,
	interest, and everything else....Boskone makes about $20k a
	year.  After purchasing the building most of the interest
	income would go away....Worst case yearly operating figures
	after purchasing the building [$19,500] about the amount
	Boskone now brings in."  [Instant Message, 2/7, p. 15]

> Profits (what there is) does go towards operating expenses of NESFA.  
>Some of it goes towards purchase of equipment to run future Boskones 
>and some of it is donated to SF related causes (TAFF, club membership 
>in worldcon, Reading for the Blind, etc.)  

	This really uses up $20K a year?!

>Where is all of this NESFA greed of which you speak?

	Well, there is the matter of -- why does NESFA need a clubouse,
	anyway?  To keep up with LASFS?

> = Mark J. Norton    [ decvax!genrad!{panda | teddy}!mjn]

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					Leah A Zeldes

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					Leah A Zeldes

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