Originally posted by: @RUTGERS.ARPA:boyajian%akov68.DEC@decwrl.ARPA
Message-ID: <635@topaz.ARPA>
Date: Thu, 14-Feb-85 08:35:58 EST
Article-I.D.: topaz.635
Posted: Thu Feb 14 08:35:58 1985
Date-Received: Sun, 17-Feb-85 05:00:26 EST
Sender: daemon@topaz.ARPA
Organization: Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N.J.
Lines: 23
From: boyajian%akov68.DEC@decwrl.ARPA (Jerry Boyajian)
> From: randvax!jim@topaz (Jim Gillogly)
> It was bizarre. When they let everybody in (10 minutes after the
> movie was supposed to start) it was like a big party. I saw two
> guys in Perfect Tommy costumes, one dressed as Reno Nevada, three
> with a red cowboy shirt with detachable front like New Jersey's, and
> one guy with a silver coat JUST LIKE John Parker's (the black
> Lectroid who looked like a Rastafarian).
> During the movie, people were generally good about letting people
> hear it. However, during favorite lines a number of people would
> chime in ... in excellent unison...
Oh, God, no! Buckaroo has fallen victim to the Rocky Horror Syndrome!
Sigh. Well, at least I can pick this one up on videocassette.
--- jayembee (Jerry Boyajian, DEC, Maynard, MA)
UUCP: {decvax|ihnp4|allegra|ucbvax|...}!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-akov68!boyajian
ARPA: boyajian%akov68.DEC@DECWRL.ARPA