Message-ID: <440@grendel.UUCP>
Date: Fri, 15-Feb-85 09:52:44 EST
Article-I.D.: grendel.440
Posted: Fri Feb 15 09:52:44 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 16-Feb-85 13:27:17 EST
Distribution: net
Organization: DEC ULTRIX Applications Center, MD
Lines: 15
Sorry to post twice... I forgot net.sf-lovers might be interested and just
posted to net.startrek. ("Who cares?" you say! :-) )
George Takai is in town for a ST Convention in Baltimore this weekend
(Cockeysville, to be exact). In a brief telephone interview on a
Washington, DC radio station he said that the next film (STIV) will be
"much lighter in tone -- more fun" than the last two. He gave examples of
"fun" episodes: The Trouble With Tribbles, Shore Leave...
The announcer commented on how his wife was so upset after the last
film (first the Beatles break up... now they burn the Enterprise!). Sulu
said something to the effect that after STII people thought Spock was gone
forever and that you can do lots of things in sci fi.
Fred Avolio {decvax,seismo}!grendel!avolio 301/731-4100 x4227