Originally posted by: @RUTGERS.ARPA:war@mit-dutch
Message-ID: <642@topaz.ARPA>
Date: Thu, 14-Feb-85 14:41:21 EST
Article-I.D.: topaz.642
Posted: Thu Feb 14 14:41:21 1985
Date-Received: Fri, 15-Feb-85 05:32:07 EST
Sender: daemon@topaz.ARPA
Organization: Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N.J.
Lines: 27
From: war@mit-dutch (Chris Warack)
>I recall a particular series (trilogy?) of the 'sercret society'
>genre, this was/is the Illuminatti (sp?) series. I only got through
>1 and 1/2 of the books since I started becoming paranoid! I believe
>the writers were Anton Wilson and Robert Sheckly, though my mind is
>rather foggy on this since once I put the books down I never wanted
>to hear about them again. They were real good, so good I did not
>dare go anywhere without looking over my shoulders!
Robert Anton Wilson was one of the authors of Illuminati (only one 't').
I don't remember the other. The series is amazingly good, although the
way it jumps around from one viewpoint to another is confusing sometimes.
This is the book that explains the Kennedy assasination, the disappearance
of John Dillinger, pyramid power, the sinking of Atlantis, evolution, ...
THEY have a finger in everybody's pie. The question is "Who are they?"
It even involves Cthulu.
The Bavarian Illuminati IS mentioned in the dictionary, so some of the story
is factually based. And, their symbol is the pyramid with the eye in it.
Now, where have I seen that before?
-- Chris Warack
"All Hail Discordia!"