Message-ID: <331@zinfandel.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 12-Feb-85 12:09:35 EST
Article-I.D.: zinfande.331
Posted: Tue Feb 12 12:09:35 1985
Date-Received: Fri, 15-Feb-85 04:23:49 EST
Reply-To: berry@zinfandel.UUCP (Berry Kercheval)
Organization: Zehntel Inc., Walnut Creek CA
Lines: 25
Keywords: Clarion, writing, school
Xref: watmath net.books:1438 net.sf-lovers:6187
Some people have expressed interest in the Clarion SF writing program.
Here, straight from Ayjay's F&SF column, is the poop on how to get more
"If you would like to know more about Clarion, the boot camp of the
literary arts, write to:
Mary Sheridan
Holmes Hall
Lyman Briggs School
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824"
Ayjay is Algis Budrys, literary critic for 'The Magazine of Fantasy and
Science Fiction", and a Clarion instructor. One of his columns is worth
3 months of sf-lovers-digest.
La musique est une science
qui veut qu`on rit et chante et dance.
-- Guillaume de Machaut
Berry Kercheval Zehntel Inc. (ihnp4!zehntel!zinfandel!berry)
(415)932-6900 (kerch@lll-tis.ARPA)