Message-ID: <282@wlbr.UUCP>
Date: Sun, 3-Mar-85 20:44:49 EST
Article-I.D.: wlbr.282
Posted: Sun Mar 3 20:44:49 1985
Date-Received: Thu, 7-Mar-85 04:00:31 EST
Organization: Eaton IMS, Westlake Village, CA
Lines: 28
I'm familiar with programming in C for Unix Sys III and V and for other
Unix look-alikes. But alas... I cannot, to date, figure out how to get
MS-DOS 2.xx to do keyboard (and other) I/O via the handle method. It seems
that my read(0, p, 1) hangs until a full line is keyed in. I've tried to
change the handles' mode to raw using the so-called ioctl's.. but the
information given in the DOS manual is, to say the least, incomplete.
Likewise, trying to work with the RS232 port is confusing to this novice!
The DOS manuals say clearly that the COM1: device is unbuffered and
non-interrupt driven. Is this true? Where are the magic ioctl "strings"
I've read Norton's "Inside the PC" book.. but it doesn't go into the
new DOS 2 features to any real degree. Are there books which are more
contemporary? Am I correct in noting that the DOS 2 manual is incomplete?
Steve Childress
Eaton IMS R&D Group MS 43
31717 La Tienda Drive
Westlake Village, CA 91360
(818) 889-2211 X2148
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