Message-ID: <780@ecsvax.UUCP>
Date: Thu, 28-Feb-85 09:34:44 EST
Article-I.D.: ecsvax.780
Posted: Thu Feb 28 09:34:44 1985
Date-Received: Sun, 3-Mar-85 05:34:48 EST
References: <775@ecsvax.UUCP>
Organization: Duke U Comp Ctr
Lines: 36
We at Duke have had some experience with the Paradise card. This
graphics card drives the IBM Monochrome Display with text at roughly
the same resolution as the IBM Monochrome Display Adapter, but shows
graphics at the lower resolution of the color/graphics display. Screen
memory is at B8000 hex, the same as IBM's color graphics location. The
card is therefore compatible with normal graphics software, not with
things intended for the higher-resolution Hercules card.
Not having technical documentation, I can only guess that the dual
display modes are accomplished by playing games with the vertical sync
signal. That theory is consistent with the behavior we have seen: some
monochrome displays have a real problem displaying a steady graphics
image. Some even emit hissing sounds in graphics mode. Whether this
can cause long-term damage to the monitor is something I don't know.
Perhaps someone more technically competent could offer a suggestion.
In any event, reactions to the card have varied. Some users have been
and remain enthusiastic, having no difficulties whatsoever. Others
have not been as happy, and one in particular went so far as to rip the
card from his machine and throw it into the trashcan in the presence of
one of the Computation Center's service personnel.
I think the jury is still out on the Paradise card, but I wanted to let
your know our experiences. Incidentally, we have heard no complaints
(to my knowledge) on the Hercules or AST Monograph cards. However,
those cards adhere to the Hercules graphics "standard" instead of IBM's,
and less software is available for them. (Of course, Lotus 1-2-3,
Ashton-Tate Framework, and many other software packages DO work.)
Hope this is of some help.
D Gary Grady
Duke U Comp Center, Durham, NC 27706
(919) 684-3695
USENET: {seismo,decvax,ihnp4,akgua,etc.}!mcnc!ecsvax!dgary