Message-ID: <840@sjuvax.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 12-Feb-85 11:34:39 EST
Article-I.D.: sjuvax.840
Posted: Tue Feb 12 11:34:39 1985
Date-Received: Thu, 14-Feb-85 02:51:06 EST
Reply-To: iannucci@sjuvax.UUCP (iannucci)
Organization: St. Josephs University, Phila. PA.
Lines: 34
Xref: watmath net.sf-lovers:6166
[ #6: Whose side are you on? #2: That would be telling! ]
>I propose we move it to I do love it and want to get a rollicking
>discussion going about it. Re: episode 7, I have seen it so what do
>you have to say? And how do you *know* where the Village is?
>-Michael "on the Twilight Node" Weiss ...!psuvax1!gondor!weiss
Sounds like a good idea to me, Mike, that is, to move it
to From now on that is where I will look for discussion. Point
well made re: How do I *know* where the Village is. I guess I don't *know*
where it is. I should know by now that nothing, repeat NOTHING, is ever as it
seems in this show. But I can tell you how I *think* I know.
In episode 7, did not No. 6 and his old colleagues trace the route he
had sailed and determine using various scientific methods that his point of
departure must have been the Baltic coast of Lithuania? And did he not fly in
the jet to that very spot when he was dropped like a hot potato? It seems to me
that this is pretty convincing evidence, but I do concede that there is always
a 'bug' lying dormant in evidence like this.
By the way, do you (or anyone else) have any ideas about the
'funny-umbrellas' or the old-fashioned bicycle. viz. significance? I hope
we're not going to dominate this discussion.
David J. Iannucci (the dirty vicar) St. Joseph's University
{allegra | astrovax | bpa | burdvax}!sjuvax!iannucci Philadelphia
"A witty saying proves nothing. " --Voltaire