Message-ID: <736@bunker.UUCP>
Date: Thu, 28-Feb-85 08:44:56 EST
Article-I.D.: bunker.736
Posted: Thu Feb 28 08:44:56 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 2-Mar-85 04:09:17 EST
References: none
Distribution: net
Organization: Bunker Ramo, Trumbull Ct
Lines: 32
Xref: watmath
I've been playing Ultima III on my Apple II- off and on for about 8 months
now. The characters in the group are around 20th level and all have the
mark of fire and will soon have the mark of power.
Does anyone know where to find the Mark of the King? Supposedly, once a
character has the mark of the king, his hit points can be raised beyond
550. It would be nice for my characters to have more than 550 hit points each.
Where is Exodus? I've heard that Exodus is actually a computer with slots
which you put 'cards' into, but where are the cards and what are the
consequences of putting the cards into Exodus?
I've found the temples in the underworld where characters can raise
characteristic points (intelligence, strength, etc), but is there anything
ele down there worth looking for?
What are some of the 'other' commands? I've discovered only one useful
'other' command thus far -- bribe -- which is useful getting around guards
at a gate or stopping one from attacking you.
I've heard there is a treasure room in Lord British's castle. Is it worth
going into? I haven't found it yet because I think it is protected by
the power field next to the healer's room.
Is there some other, easier way to get rich quick than to invade the treasure
room in Death Gulch?
Answers to these questions and other helpful information will be greatly
appreciated. If you would just like to exchange information, drop me a line
via e-mail and maybe we can trade notes!
-Paul O. Pederson (somewhere in Connecticut)