Message-ID: <1144@ihuxi.UUCP>
Date: Thu, 10-Jan-85 16:36:29 EST
Article-I.D.: ihuxi.1144
Posted: Thu Jan 10 16:36:29 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 12-Jan-85 01:20:51 EST
References: <188@topaz.ARPA>
Organization: AT&T Bell Labs, Naperville, IL
Lines: 23
Sorry, Brett, you're close but not correct. The lunar base
where Floyd and company landed was, indeed, Clavius (located in
the crater Clavius). The monolith was dug up in the crater
Tycho -- thus its title, TMA-1 (Tycho Magnetic Anomaly-1).
If you'll recall, Floyd had to take a trip via moonbus out
to the Tycho site from Clavius.
You know, I wonder why they didn't refer to the "Tycho monolith"
as "TMA-1" in 2010? Too confusing to the audience? Just not enough
B.K. Cobb
"Will this upstart ever stop?"
p.s. Jeff Meyer -- if you're out there, it's okay to use my line
"My God, it's full of critics!" as a sign-off. I haven't
been able to get a mail message to you since you asked me
about this a few weeks back. I like to keep switching sign-
offs, so having one used for posterity's sake is fine by me.
Sorry I couldn't get this to you by netmail.