Message-ID: <461@wlcrjs.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 9-Jan-85 21:22:57 EST
Article-I.D.: wlcrjs.461
Posted: Wed Jan 9 21:22:57 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 12-Jan-85 00:27:00 EST
References: <300@zinfandel.UUCP>
Reply-To: rhesmith@wlcrjs.UUCP (Richard H. E. Smith II)
Organization: chi-net, Public Access UN*X, Chicago IL
Lines: 28
Summary: Died recently.
In article <300@zinfandel.UUCP> berry@zinfandel.UUCP (Berry Kercheval) writes:
>Lasst time I looked at LOCUS (several months ago), it seemed A. Bertram
>Chandler had suffered a stroke. Anyone know for sure the state of his
>health (if any -- I hope he's not gone.)?
Unfortunately, Chandler died a few months ago. If I remember right, there's
a book still coming, but I can't remember just now if it was supposed to be
SF or historical.
I personally let my LOCUS subscription lapse, since I've been disappointed
by the lack of coverage that Charlie Brown gives to fandom. S F CHRONICLE
seems to cover the same ground better. Also, I got really tired fo LOCUS's
lousy book reviews. Of course, if you don't care about fandom, you could
argue that LOCUS might serve you better... it's true that LOCUS has been
winning Hugo Awards, but that's mostly because it has a bigger circulation.
Of course, if you wanted the *fan* news, you'd subscribe to my gossip zine,
UNCLE DICK'S, and not bother with all that sf-professional stuff.
>...sob for Schmitz.
Me, too.
Dick Smith
Dick Smith ..ihnp4!wlcrjs!rhesmith