Message-ID: <221@phlash.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 6-Mar-85 11:43:58 EST
Article-I.D.: phlash.221
Posted: Wed Mar 6 11:43:58 1985
Date-Received: Sun, 10-Mar-85 07:26:03 EST
Organization: Philips Research Labs., Eindhoven, Holland
Lines: 21
I am contemplating buying some expansion disk space. The options obviously
are a second disk drive or a hard disk. Can anybody give me (from own
experiance) an opinion on how slow a second disk is compared to a hard disk.
Also can anybody using a second disk drive give me any insight in how soon
that gets full. Finally can anybody tell me anything about double sided
drives (prices, performance).
I know these questions can only be answered subjectively but I also know
that objective information usually is often hard to compare and can be used
to prove anything. So please give me your opinion, not what the manufacturer
H.R. Walters,
Philips Reasearch,
The Netherlands.