• Tag Archives War Gods
  • War Gods (Nintendo 64)

    Kabuki Jo scores a pole-in-one in War Gods, by Eurocom/Midway.


    War Gods is essentially a Mortal Kombat clone which is not surprising given its development history. It was released initially as an arcade game and ran on essentially the same hardware as Mortal Kombat 4 would run on. The developers were largely the same as well. The arcade game was released in 1995 with the Nintendo 64 and other ports released in 1997.

    Unfortunately, War Gods is not a great game. It is a pretty mediocre fighter with fairly uninteresting characters. It did have pseudo 3D gameplay and implemented a 3D button so that you could do foreground and background actions. It had mostly the same controls as the Mortal Kombat series but these did not map particularly well to the Nintendo 64 controller, at least for this game.

    The above images are from the Nintendo 64 version but War Gods was also released for the PlayStation and Windows.