Source: The One – Issue Number 48 – September 1992
The One is a magazine that was published in the U.K. in the 1990s. It covered primarily 16-bit computers but the systems specfically covered varied over the years. In this issue, it was the Amiga being exclusively covered. The September 1992 issue includes:
- News – Team 17 reveals development of Body Blows, a Street Fighter II style game, and Overdrive, a top down racing game; rumors of a new Amiga; Dr. Who games on the way; Domark announces Harrier Assault; Armour-Geddon II coming from Psygnosis; and much more.
- Letters– Letters from readers with topics such as Monkey Island, software piracy, accidental disk deletion, and more.
- Work In Progress– Previews of games that are still under development including the second part of a preview of Elite II, Second Samurai (sequel to First Samurai), and Flashback.
- Games Challenge – A reader and editor face off in IK+.
- Win A Palmcorder!– A competition to win a Panasonic NV-S5 VHS-C video camera.
- Reviews– Reviews of Premiere, Crazy Seasons, Sword of Honour, MegaTraveller 2, Fascination, Guy Spy, Castle of Dr. Brain, Treasures of the Savage Frontier (AD&D Gold Box game), Vikings, Beast 3: Out of the Shadows, and more.
- Cheapos!– Reviews of bargain game releases including Erik, Narco Police, CJ in the USA, Narc, and Mega Sports (looks like a cross between Summer Games and California Games).
- Diary of a Game– The second part of a game making diary by Andrew Braybrook for Uridium 2.
- PD Zone– A look at some of the latest public domain software including Quick Money, The Assassins compilations 23-27, Biplanes 2, Mr. Brick, System 4, The Ultimate Gam Boy Simulator (a simulation of the Game Boy running Tetris), and more.
- Previews– A look at upcoming games including Legacy of Soracen (Hero Quest 2), Motorhead, Cytron, Outlander, Tornado, and 3D Construction Kt 2.
- Games Index– An index (along with review scores and issue it was covered in) of games released for the Amiga over the past year.
…and more!