Computer Gaming World (October 1990)

Source: Computer Gaming World – Issue Number 75 – October 1990

Here’s another issue of my favorite computer gaming magazine. While it covered multiple computer systems in its earlier days, as the world became more PC/DOS/Windows centric, so did the magazine. This magazine probably reached its peak in the mid 1990s. The October 1990 issue includes:


  • Dynamix and the Red Baron – A preview of Red Baron, a World War I combat flight sim from Dynamix.
  • Storm Across Europe – Review of this World War II strategy game from SSI that offers scenarios in Africa, Europe and Russia. It’s available for DOS, Amiga and the Commodore 64.
  • Hits and Misses for Strategy Gamers – Brief reviews for pre-20th century war games including Ancient Art of War, Ancient Battles, Annals of Rome, Antietam, Armada, Austerlitz, Bandit Kings of Ancient China, Battle Cry of Freedom, Battles of Napoleon, Blue Powder/Grey Smoke, Borodino: 1812, Borodino, Broadsides, By Fire & Sword, Centurion: Defender of Rome, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Chickamuga, Civil War, Clear for Action, Clipper, Colonial Conquest, Decision at Gettysburg, Defender of the Crown, Diplomacy, Excalibur, Genghis Khan, Gold of the Americas, Heart of Africa, Joan of Arc, Lords of the Rising Sun, Nobunaga’s Ambition, Pirates, and many more.
  • Their Finest Hour Strategy Tips – Tips and strategies for this Battle of Britain flight sim.
  • A New William Tell Overture – Review of The Legend of William Tell, an action strategy game featuring the title character (and his son).
  • Nuclear War for Fun and Profit – Review of this nuclear war strategy game from New World Computing called Nuclear War featuring characters such as Ronnie Raygun and Ayatollah Kookamamie among others.
  • Imperial Stratagems – A strategy guide with an emphasis on using statistics for Empire.
  • Electronic Arts’ Projectyle – Review of this action arcade games described here as a cross between rollerball and air hockey and compared to Ballistyx. For the Amiga and Atari ST.
  • Search for the King Hints – Tips and hints for this graphic adventure from Accolade.


  • Taking A Peek – A brief look at new games with screen shots. Games mentioned include Unlimited Golf & Course Design, Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, Flood, Imperium, PGA Tour Golf, Anarchy, Hoyle’ Book of Games Vol. II, Flight of the Intruder, Edward Thorp’s Real Blackjack, and Treasure Trap.
  • The Rumor Bag – Rumors include a new Test Drive game, a possible sequel to Loom, a new Bard’s Tale Trilogy starting with Bard’s Tale IV, Eye of the Beholder (a first person RPG), and more.
  • Letters from Paradise – Letters from readers about Conflict by Virgin Mastertronic, previous CGW editorials, and more.
  • Scorpion’s View – Some hints for Secret of the Silver Blades, follow-up to Curse of the Azure bonds and SSI’s latest AD&D game.
  • Over There (European Games Report) – A look at various text games and game creation tools (including AMOS and STOS) from Europe.
  • Game Ratings – A look at the top 50 or so games (there are 55 in the list) as rated by the readers.
  • Editorial – An editorial about storytelling through games and creating (and solving) puzzles.

…and more!